
My Discord Bot Written In Python Hamood

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Setting up

pip install -r requirements.txt


python bot.py


  • Slash command handler
  • Events handler
  • User comments (database)
  • User reputation (database)
  • User XP (database)
  • Modlog system


  • Bird: sends random bird pictures
  • Cat: sends radnom cat pictures
  • Dog: sends random dog pictures
  • Fox: sends random fox pictures
  • Lizard: sends random lizard pictures
  • Panda: sends random panda pictures
  • Rabbit: sends random rabbit pictures


  • Profile: shows information about users profile on the bot things such as comments reputation level and level


  • Cry: sends a cry gif
  • Cuddle: sends a cuddle gif, arg="user"
  • Feed: sends a feeding gif, arg="user"
  • Hug: sends a hug gif, arg="user"
  • Kiss: sends a kiss gif, arg="user"
  • Pat: sends a pat gif, arg="user"
  • Poke: sends a poke gif, arg="user"
  • Punch: sends a punch gif, arg="user"


  • Meme: sends a random meme from r/memes


  • Animesearch: shows information about an anime, arg="anime_name"
  • Mangasearch: shows information about a manga, arg="manga_name"
  • Channelinfo: shows channel information, arg="channel_name"
  • Help: shows list of commands
  • Messageinfo: shows information about a message, arg="message_id"
  • Servericon: shoows the guilds icon
  • Vote: shows vote link for the bot
  • Wikiesearch: allows you to search on wikipedia using wikiAPI, arg="term"


  • Ban: bans a user from the guild, arg="user, reason"
  • Bugreport: reports bug to the bug report server, arg="bug"
  • Kick: kicks a user from the guild, arg="user, reason"
  • Modlog: sets the modlog channel, arg="channel"
  • Mute: times out a reason from the guild, arg="user, reason"
  • Purge: mass deletes messages from the server, arg="number of messages"


https://discord.gg/76khPtsQnE <= Discord
https://top.gg/bot/765938818527264769 <= top.gg
https://discord.com/application-directory/765938818527264769 <= Discord Discovery