Here are all the pages of the mobile app.

Install Flutter: Download the Flutter SDK from the official website Extract the downloaded archive and add the flutter/bin directory to your system's PATH.

Install Dart: Flutter relies on Dart programming language. Ensure Dart SDK is installed, as it comes bundled with Flutter. You don't need to install Dart separately. Set up an IDE (Optional) You can use any text editor, but it's recommended to use an IDE for Flutter development. Popular choices include Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA, or Android Studio.

Verify Installation: Open a terminal and run flutter doctor. This command checks your environment and informs you of any missing dependencies.

Create a Flutter Project:

In cmd: flutter create project_name Replace "project_name" with the desired name for your project.

Copy all dart files from this repo in path: Your_Project/lib/

Run the App: in cmd: flutter run