
Mini wallet API backend service with Django

Primary LanguagePython


Mini wallet API backend service with Django


  1. Initialize wallet account
  2. Enable & disabled wallet
  3. View Wallet
  4. View Transaction
  5. Deposit & withdrawn money


  1. Python 3.8+
  2. Docker

Local Configuration

  1. clone source code from github

  2. go to project directory

    cd wallet-backend-django
  3. create your own project env

    python3 -m venv env
  4. activate your project env

    source env/bin/activate
  5. go to your project directory and install requirement.txt

    pip install requirement.txt
  6. run docker compose

    docker compose up -d
  7. migrate all models to database.

    python3 manage.py migrate
  8. then run the apps.

    python3 manage.py runserver

Run The Test and Coverage

  1. run test case.

    python3 manage.py test

    the output should be like this:

    Found 8 test(s).
    Creating test database for alias 'default'...
    System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
    Ran 8 tests in 2.507s
    Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
  2. run test coverage.

    coverage run --source='.' manage.py test src.wallet
    coverage report

    the output should be like this:

    Found 8 test(s).
    Creating test database for alias 'default'...
    System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
    Ran 8 tests in 2.512s
    Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
    Name                                    Stmts   Miss  Cover
    manage.py                                  12      2    83%
    src/__init__.py                             0      0   100%
    src/asgi.py                                 4      4     0%
    src/settings.py                            21      0   100%
    src/urls.py                                 2      0   100%
    src/wallet/__init__.py                      0      0   100%
    src/wallet/admin.py                         1      0   100%
    src/wallet/apps.py                          4      0   100%
    src/wallet/decorators.py                   36      0   100%
    src/wallet/factory.py                      21      0   100%
    src/wallet/migrations/0001_initial.py       8      0   100%
    src/wallet/migrations/__init__.py           0      0   100%
    src/wallet/models.py                       46      6    87%
    src/wallet/serializers.py                  53      0   100%
    src/wallet/tests.py                       128      0   100%
    src/wallet/urls.py                          3      0   100%
    src/wallet/utils.py                         4      0   100%
    src/wallet/views.py                       102      0   100%
    src/wsgi.py                                 4      4     0%
    TOTAL                                     449     16    96%


You can try API with postman by import the collection and environment file