
Theme for the StackHawk Discourse Community

Primary LanguageSCSS

StackHawk Theme

The main theme for the StackHawk forum based on the Figma design.


To ensure everything is working correctly, please ensure the following settings are set as follows:

Easy Footer Theme Component:

  • Heading:

  • Blurb:

    • [Leave Empty]
  • Link sections:

    • Product, Product
    • Resources, Resources
    • Company, Company
    • Get In Touch, Get In Touch

Note: For all links replace the # sign with the update link you desire to direct to.

  • Links:

    • Product, Overview, #, self, Overview
    • Product, Find, #, self, Find
    • Product, Triage, #, self, Triage
    • Product, Fix, #, self, Fix
    • Product, Pricing, #, self, Pricing
    • Resources, Getting Started, #, self, Getting Started
    • Resources, Docs, #, self, Docs
    • Resources, Config, #, self, Config
    • Resources, Run HawkScan, #, self, Run HawkScan
    • Resources, Troubleshooting, #, self, Troubleshooting
    • Company, About, #, self, About
    • Company, Team, #, self, Team
    • Company, Jobs, #, self, Jobs, We're Hiring
    • Company, Press, #, self, Press
    • Get In Touch, Contact us, #, self, Contact
  • Small links:

    • Terms, #, self
    • Privacy, #, self
  • Social Links:

    • Twitter, show some love on Twitter, https://twitter.com/stackhawk, blank,fab-twitter
    • Facebook, Join us on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/StackHawk/, blank,fab-facebook
    • LinkedIn, LinkedIn, https://www.linkedin.com/company/stackhawk/mycompany/, blank, fab-linkedin
    • GitHub, GitHub, https://github.com/kaakaww, blank, fab-github
  • Show footer on login required page:

  • svg icons:

    • fab-facebook
    • fab-twitter
    • fab-github
    • fab-linkedin

Discourse Category Banners:

All settings will remain as the default except for:

hide if no description, which should be left unchecked.

Topic Excerpts:

All settings will remain as the default except for:

show excerpts desktop, which should be left unchecked.