
This is a word processor which is written in 8086 assembly language by me. There are lots of work to realize it. It has primary functionality (Find, Find and Replace, Page Scroll) of todays word processors.

Primary LanguageAssembly

This project created for ELE336 Microprocessors and x86 Assembly course laboratory final project. Homepage Popup Editor Menu

I named it ed. It comes from an UNIX line editor which is developed in 1969 by Ken Thompson.

You can use it with DOSBOX:

  1. Open DOSBOX.
  2. Write $ed and press enter.
  3. You are ready to use it.

Some lines of source code are deleted for educational purpose. Don't be sad. I will share all part of code separately with their algorithms in x86 Assembly Examples repository.

Educational purpose is:

  • "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."