
This repository contains approaches which can be applied to given use cases.

Primary LanguageJava

This repository contains OOP approaches with theirs use cases. So that you can understand why and when you would need this approach, how it solved the problem.

Repository's file hierarchy:

├── approach-name (solution's name, the methodology we use etc ...)
│   ├── README.md (it explains what is this approach, how you could etc)
│   ├── use-case-1 (first use case of this approach. which contains example code) 
│   │   ├── README.md (it explains what was the problem, how we solved it. It's explained as step-by-step)
│   │   └── src (contains source files)
│   ├── use-case-2
│   │   ├── README.md
│   │   └── src 
│   ...

NOTE: All the other README.mds except this one, are in Turkish. They will be translated into English.