
Scala ChromCast App

Primary LanguageScala


Work in progress

Right now it is only possible to stream mp4 files to the Chromecast.

Media server to control ChromeCast.
Every command can be send via. akka http service.
The loaded media file is streamed using akka streaming.

ChromeCast Java API : https://github.com/vitalidze/chromecast-java-api-v2


  • Choose between Chromecasts that gets discovered on LAN.
  • Use encode/decoder library to convert other video standards to MP4 stream.
  • Use tika or its like to auto detect the media loaded.
  • Create another receiver App then the Default Media Receiver.
  • Clean up code (this will probably never happen)
  • Not sure we need all that try catch on play/stop/load functions.

Useful links (?):

Video Decoder/encoder: https://github.com/artclarke/humble-video
More Decoder/encoder: http://www.xuggle.com/xuggler/
Even more decoder/encoder: https://github.com/a-schild/jave2

Google cast media support: https://developers.google.com/cast/docs/media
More google: https://developers.google.com/cast/v2/receiver_apps
Even more google: https://github.com/googlecast

ChromeCast API: https://github.com/vitalidze/chromecast-java-api-v2

VLCj: https://github.com/caprica/vlcj
YouTube about VLCj: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTQ1b3-TUI4
VLCj app: https://github.com/ricky739996585/douyu

Shellpodd VLC cli: https://github.com/PetroSemeniuk/shellpodd/tree/9399d23440f8363775067103b055da762762145b