
Making a real life based Mess System using data structure along with data file handling

Primary LanguageC


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In the zip file attached there is a file named “project.cbp”. Thus, to run the project: ->Open this file (project.cbp) in Code Blocks. ->Build and Run the opened Code Blocks Project (wait for 3-5 seconds if the output doesn't come immediately)

AASTHA DOGRA      (1910110464)   : menu(), add(), order(), health(), health_print();
KAAVYA JAIN       (1910110185)   : donate(), guest_menu(), payment_student(), card_details(), remove_dish()
NISHTHA GUPTA     (1910110260)   : login(), signup(), fromfile_stud(), fromfile_dish(), save_stud(),save_dish()
PRAKRITI AGARWAL  (1910110277)   : delivery(), all_stud(), payment_guest(), recharge_card(), load()

In addition to this, the debugging, compilation and layout was handled by all of us. Most of the data handling was done by Nishtha Gupta. Everyone came up with suggestions for innovative features and after critical analyzing of all the ideas, we divided the work accordingly and brought the project to totality.