
My dotfiles.Managed with dotbot

Primary LanguageVim Script




  • NerdTree (Project file tree manager)
  • Startify (start up screen)
  • CtrlP (Fuzzy File Searcher)
  • CtrlSF (Searcher)
  • Ultisnips (Snippets)
  • Easy Motion (Move around your buffer at lightning speed)
  • Ale (Asynchronus Linter)
  • Color Themes
  • Airline (Status bar eye candy )
  • .ideavimrc (Import my awesome Vim configuration into JetBrain's Intellij IDEA and CLion)
  • Several tweaks of core features and mappings

If you like what you see in my screenshot, you may want want to install my dotfiles configuration in your system. Both MacOS and Ubuntu supported. Refer to these links:

Set up a fresh Ubuntu System (or Windows 10 Linux Subsystem) For Development

Set up a fresh MacOS For Development

IMPORTANT UPDATE July 27th, 2020

I have completed dumped shitty Ubuntu for Manjaro awesomeness. Made some SpaceVim updates and deleted all my custom LSP configurations for cpp. Might set them up again using updated native SpaceVim configurations and not my previous messy hacks.

Important Disclaimer

Open source software changes rapidly and usually with no concern for backwards compatibility. I learned this the hard way when installing my dotfiles in a new Mac. Newest tmux and neovim versions introduced changes that broke my configurations resulting in annoying bugs. Fixing these bugs sometimes takes a persistent and time consuming research on relevant online resources. Just keep this in mind while installing my dotfile configuration in your system. I did the best I could to document my installation during an actual new setup.

Screenshot from Neovim running in terminal mode with tmux:

Neovim screenshot

Managed with Dotbot

dotbot/bin/dotbot -d ~/.dotfiles -c ~/.dotfiles/install.conf.yaml
