Franck Kabasele

Welcome to my portofolio website.

Tech Stack

🚀 React

🛸 Node

To Contribute here (version control)

  1. Click on Fork at the top right corner
  2. Clone your forked repository
  3. cd into the cloned folder | GrowersBrains
  4. git remote add upstream
  5. git pull upstream <YOUR_BRANCH>
  6. Check out to the task branch by git checkout -b <NAME_OF_THE_TASK>

To run the website in development

  1. Run npm install from the root and also from the client folder

Creating a pull request (when done with your code/changes)

  1. Run git add .
  2. Run git commit -m <COMMIT_MESSAGE>
  3. git push origin <BRANCH_NAME>

Go to the repository

As soon as you get there, you are going to see a green Compare and Create a pull request.

Click on it and type your message then click on Create pull request.

Getting Started / Installation

Trello board:


💻 Software Engineer: @kabasele

Handy Resources