
Wikipedia Speedrun Game made with React

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Wikipedia logo with a speedrun timer on top of it

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🏁 Wikipedia Speedrun Game

The goal of the game is to navigate from a starting wikipedia article to another one, in the least amount of clicks and time.

Start playing now!


  • ▶ No registration required

  • 🧭 Choose your own prompts

  • ⏱ High precision fair™ timer

    • actually stops while you are loading the next article
  • 💣 Optional Time Limit

  • ✅ Keeps track of your session progress

  • 👀 Open source

Technologies used

  • React
  • Redux
  • React-router
  • Create React App
  • Emotion
  • Reach UI, Mantine

Build it yourself

This project was created with Create React App.

Clone the project:

git clone https://github.com/B0und/WikiSpeedrun.git

In the project directory you can run npm i and then:

npm start

To run the app in the development mode.

npm run build

To build the app for production to the build folder.
