Unsupervised Anomaly Detection System PyTorch Implementation of NSL-KDD Dataset
Download the dataset from https://www.unb.ca/cic/datasets/nsl.html
I followed the preprocessing by @kyuyeonpoor's nsl-kdd-autoencoder. (This setting can be modified)
- AE (Autoencoder)
- DSEBM (Deep Structed Energy Based Model)
- MEMAE (Memory-augmented Deep Autoencoder)
DSEBM (Deep Structed Energy Based Models for Anomaly Detection) [paper] - ICML 2016
To be implemented
DAGMM (Deep Autoencoding Gaussian Mixture Model for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection) [paper] - ICLR 2018
I followed the experimental details and hyperparmeters from the paper (KDDCup-Rev setting) except the input shape of the encoder and the output shape of the encoder. (It depends on the data preprocessing)
I referenced re-implementation of DAGMM with PyTorch (code). It really helps me to re-implement. Thanks!
In my attempt, NSL-KDD dataset shows weak performance than KDDCup99. I think I need to find best hyperparmeters for this dataset.
MEMAE (Memorizing Normality to Detect Anomaly: Memory-augmented Deep Autoencoder for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection) [paper] - ICCV 2019
I followed the experimental details and hyperparmeters from the paper in 4.3 Experiments on Cybersecurity Data except the input shape of the encoder and the output shape of the decoder. (It depends on the data preprocessing)
Also, I referenced author's code (3d-conv MEMAE). This implementation is about fc-MEMAE.
I edited my code so that multiple models (now, only two models) can be used as "main.py".
model list : dagmm, memae
You can run this code:
python main.py \
--batch_size=64 \
--seed=42 \
--lr=0.0001 \
--epoch=5 \
- Implement DSEBM
- set seed implementation
- hyperparmeter setting by argument