Password Storage

An website where users can store Passwords of their different websites.

Backend Technology

  • Java 11
  • Spring Boot 2.6.3 with
    • Spring Security
    • Spring Web
    • Spring Data JPA
    • Spring Validation
  • jjwt 0.9.1
  • MySQL
  • Maven 3.8.1

Frontend Technology

  • vue 3
  • vue-router 4
  • vuex 4
  • axios: 0.21.1
  • vee-validate 4
  • bootstrap 5
  • vue-fontawesome 3


  • User login, logout, Registraion
  • Password Create, Search, Update, Delete
  • Role based Authentication

Frontend Setup

  • npm install vue-router@4
  • npm install vuex@4
  • npm install vee-validate@4 yup
  • npm install axios
  • npm install bootstrap --save
  • npm install @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons @fortawesome/vue-fontawesome@prerelease


These are APIs that we need to provide. Testing with Postman:

Methods Urls Actions Body
POST /api/auth/signup signup new account {"username":"tester02","email":"","password":"tester02"}
POST /api/auth/signin login an account {"username":"tester02","password":"tester02"}
GET /api/test/all retrieve public content
GET /api/test/passwords/user/{user_id} retrive all passwords of an user
GET /api/test/passwords/user/{user_id} search password of an user {"siteName":"abc"}
POST /api/test/passwords/{user_id} create new password {"siteName":"github", "siteUserName":"", "sitePassword":"12345"}
GET /api/test/passwords/password_id} get password id
PUT /api/test/passwords/{user_id}/{password_id} update password id {"siteName": "abc update","sitePassword": "update Password","siteUserName": ""}
DELETE /api/test/passwords/{passwor_id} delete password