R-Ladies Montreal

Upcoming events

📅 17 May 2018, Topic to be determined

👉 Registration & Info

Past events

Date Time Topic Type Place Slides
March 15, 2018 6 pm Kickoff & lightning talks Kickoff Plotly HQ intro, dplyr for data joins, rvest scraping, rvest slides, dplyr for data manipulation, plotly setup, plotly js, plotly ggplotly, plotly animate
April 19, 2018 6 pm ggplot2 Workshop La gare Announcements, setup instructions, workshop code, datasets
May 17, 2018 6 pm R markdown Webinar viewing District 3 materials to download in advance


R-Ladies lives through its participants. We ALWAYS need speakers for meetups! Please get in touch with us through our meetup page

Further information

Organisers are: Corinne Riddell, Kathryn Morrison, and Erika Braithwaite.

Checkout our Meetup page.

Follow us on Twitter.

We follow the Code of Conduct and encourage participants to read Rules & Guidelines of R-Ladies.