Practical Reasoning in Expressive Description logic using Alternating Automata

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Practical Reasoning in Expressive Description Logic using Alternating Automata

Description Logic (DL) languages have become a de-facto standard for Knowledge Representation in recent times. They helps us in capturing the terminological knowledge of the targeted domain in a precise manner. By using DLs, the knowledge of the application domain can be represented in a formal way enabling the Knowledge Representation Systems based on DLs to perform various kinds of inference tasks like satisfiability checking, instance checking, subsumption etc. These reasoning capabilities allow us to find implicit consequences of the explicitly represented knowledge and thereby facilitating the development of smart applications. The traditional way of reasoning in Description Logics is based on the tableau algorithms. Though the tableau algorithms have performed well for reasoning in DLs, they do not have the optimal worst-case complexity for a given DL. Due to this the worst-case complexity bounds for a logic are usually proven by the theoretically optimal automata-based algorithms. Thus, the researchers often end up in creating two algorithms for a new logic, one automata-based for proving the exact complexity bounds of the logic and another a tableau-based for a practical implementation. The problem with the automata-based algorithms is that in spite of having nice theoretical properties they have best-case exponential behavior. Due to this, to the best of our knowledge, there was no attempt made for developing an automata-based reasoning tool for DLs.

In this work we investigate the novel possibility of developing automata-based reasoning tool for DL ALC. We obtain our results by an innovative approach of dividing the input concept into smaller sub-concepts and then checking the satis ability of these sub-concepts in an incremental fashion, inspired by the recent work on checking the satifiability of u- calculus formulas using the automata-based algorithms. This involves handling of technical challenges like deciding subsumption in the presence of a cyclic TBox. We introduce the definitions of alternating looping tree automata (ALT), universal looping tree automata (ULT), non-deterministic looping tree automata (NLT) and investigate the decomposition of ALT to ULT and ULT to NLT transformations. Then we provide an incremental satisfaction algorithm for deciding satis ability using automata-based technique. When combined together, they provide a decision procedure for DL ALC. We also present a prototype implementation of the proposed algorithm in programming language Prolog. This preliminary implementation is then compared with an optimized tableau algorithm implementation for characterizing the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed approach.

The prototype code in this repo uses XSB Prolog system.

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