Pinned Repositories
A system that can be installed to help you be more productive. Python code predicts the importance of my e-mails and logs real-time incoming Outlook messages to a Google sheets database. An ESP32 microcontroller hooked up to a sound sensor measures the fluctuations of sound (people's chit chat and the clicking of pens etc) in the surrounding environment and also logs this to a Google sheets database. Finally, you can log your tasks on a very basic web app. You enter the difficulty of a task and start the timer, and stop it when you're done. This productivity data then goes to (you guessed it 😉 ) Google sheets!
scrape renting data from the web
kabirknupp's Repositories
scrape renting data from the web
A system that can be installed to help you be more productive. Python code predicts the importance of my e-mails and logs real-time incoming Outlook messages to a Google sheets database. An ESP32 microcontroller hooked up to a sound sensor measures the fluctuations of sound (people's chit chat and the clicking of pens etc) in the surrounding environment and also logs this to a Google sheets database. Finally, you can log your tasks on a very basic web app. You enter the difficulty of a task and start the timer, and stop it when you're done. This productivity data then goes to (you guessed it 😉 ) Google sheets!