

Cub3D is a project inspired by the world-famous Wolfenstein 3D game, which was the first FPS ever. It enables you to explore ray-casting techniques, with the goal of creating a dynamic 3D view inside a maze, where you must find your way out.


Cub3D is a challenging project that introduces students to various aspects of game development, including map parsing, 2D mini-map generation, raycasting, 3D rendering, texture mapping, event handling (keyboard and mouse), and animation.


  • Map Parsing: Parse map files to generate the maze layout and define its characteristics.

  • 2D Mini-Map: Generate a mini-map representation of the maze to aid in navigation.

  • Raycasting: Implement raycasting algorithms to create a dynamic 3D view of the maze.

  • 3D Rendering: Render the maze walls and textures to provide depth and detail to the environment.

  • Texture Mapping: Map textures into the walls to enhance visual quality.

  • Event Handling: Handle keyboard and mouse events for player movement and interaction.

  • Animation: Implement animation effects to enhance the gameplay experience.

    Fire Animation: Press the F key to trigger a fire animation.

    Door Opening: Press the spacebar to open doors.


Clone the repository:

git clone

Navigate to the project directory:

cd cub3d

Compile the project:


Run the executable:

./cub3d map.cub



  • Movement: Use arrow keys or WASD keys to move forward, backward, and strafe left or right.
  • Look: Move the mouse to look around and change the view direction.
  • Fire Animation: Press the F key to trigger the fire animation effect.
  • Door Opening: Press the spacebar to open doors within the maze.
  • Exit: Press ESC key to exit the game.


Lode's Raycasting Tutorial

Wolfenstein 3D on Wikipedia