
Sample Alfresco Docker Composition for 201707-GA

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Docker Composition for Alfresco CE 201707-GA

Sample Docker Composition for integration testing with Alfresco 5.2

Docker & Docker Compose software is required to use this project.


Download or clone this repository.

From root directory, start Docker Compose.

$ docker-compose up

Once all the containers have been started, a message similar to following one will appear.

alfresco_1     | May 15, 2018 11:03:22 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
alfresco_1     | INFO: Server startup in 70314 ms

Persistence data folders (alf_data, mariadb_data & solr_data) will be created in data folder.

$ tree -L 2
├── adf
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   └── assets
├── alfresco
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   └── assets
├── data
│   ├── alf_data
│   ├── mariadb_data
│   └── solr_data
├── docker-compose.yml
├── httpd
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   └── assets
└── share
    ├── Dockerfile
    └── assets

Persistent data folders path can be changed by modifying local paths set in volumes directives at docker-compose.yml to global paths

Available services

Once the composition is up, you can check available services:


Following operations are available to customize your Docker Composition.

Deploying modules

Copy your artifacts (AMP or JAR) to deployment folders:

  • Alfresco Repository

    • alfresco/assets/amps
    • alfresco/assets/jars
  • Share Web App

    • share/assets/amps_share
    • share/assets/jars


Modify configuration files:

  • Alfresco Repository

    • alfresco/assets/alfresco/alfresco-global.properties
  • Share Web App

    • share/assets/share/share-config-custom.xml


You must add a configuration parameter --base-href in your local package.json in order to produce an ADF application able to attend /adf context path

"build": "npm run server-versions && ng build --prod --base-href /adf/",

Copy your generated application replacing the content of adf/assets/app folder.

Applying operations

Docker Compose shall be stopped before applying changes.

$ docker-compose down

In order to apply any operation, you need to rebuild Docker image before starting the composition again.

$ docker-compose build alfresco
$ docker-compose build share
$ docker-compose build adf

Once the image has been rebuilt, Docker Compose can be started again.

$ docker-compose up

Reseting initial data

In order to remove working data, you can remove all persistent folders.

$ rm -rf data

After this operation all the changes in your data will be lost!