
Fluent-bit output plugin to write to GCS buckets

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Fluent-bit output plugin to write to GCS buckets


  1. Download the latest release. You most likely want the file named like: flb-output-gcs-vX.Y.Z_linux_amd64.tar.gz

  2. Unpack.

    tar xvfz flb-output-gcs-v*.tar.gz
  3. Copy ./out_gcs.so somewhere. You will use its location in the plugin config (see below).

For contributors: Install and run tests

  1. Install Go
  2. Check out the source code with git clone from the repo
  3. Install the dependencies and run tests:
go install
make test

Enable the plugin and configure

Ref Fluent-bit configuration

Enable the plugin by

  1. Passing -e .../path/to/out_gcs.so on the command-line, or
  2. Adding the plugin to plugins.conf with Path .../path/to/out_gcs.so

Then, create one or more [OUTPUT] sections in the top-level config file with name gcs. Example:

    name gcs
    match cpu.local
    # set this to anything unique; must not be the same as any other [OUTPUT] block
    outputid cpu.local

    Bucket my-nifty-log-bucket
    BufferSizeKiB 1000
    Compression gzip
Plugin Options
Bucket Name of the bucket where we'll store logs required, no default
BufferSizeKiB Maximum size (in KiB) held in the request Writer buffer before committing an object to the bucket default 5000
BufferTimeoutSeconds Maximum time (in s) between writes before the requst Writer must commit to the bucket (even if bufferSizeKiB has not been reached) default 300
Compression Compression type, allowed values: none; gzip default none
OutputID String to uniquely identify this output plugin instance required, no default
ObjectNameTemplate Template for the object filename that gets created in the bucket. (see below) default {{.InputTag}}-{{.Timestamp}}-{{.Uuid}}

ObjectNameTemplate syntax

The object name is constructed from Go text/template syntax. Any character that's valid in a bucket object name is permitted, including /.

The following placeholders are recognized:

  • {{ .InputTag }} the tag of the associated fluent "input" being flushed, e.g. "cpu.local"
  • {{ .Timestamp }} timestamp using unix seconds since 1970-01-01
  • {{ .IsoDateTime }} 14-digit YYYYmmddTHHMMSSZ datetime format, UTC (ex.: 20220211T171643Z)
  • {{ .Yyyy }} year, {{ .Mm }} month, {{ .Dd }} day of month
  • {{ .BeginTime.Format "2006...." }} .BeginTime is a time.Time() object and you can use any method on it; for example, you can call the .Format method, as shown, and get any format you want. Go time Format reference
  • {{ .Uuid }} a random UUID

The object created from this name will be stored at gs://<bucket>/<rendered_template>

If Compression gzip is enabled, we also add .gz to the end of the bucket object name, as in gs://<bucket>/<rendered_template>.gz

Google Credentials

To use a service account with the gcs plugin, set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS in the environment before running fluent-bit. Google API reference


export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/my-svc-acct-key.json
/usr/local/bin/fluent-bit -e out_gcs.so

If this environment variable is unset, the plugin uses Google Application Default Credentials.

In a user's development environment, this is likely set with gcloud config <...>.

Maintainer section: releasing

To cut a release of this software, automated tests must pass. Check under Actions for the latest commit.

Create an RC branch and test

  • We use the Gitflow process. For a release, this means that you should have a v1.2.3-rc branch under your develop branch. Like this:

      └── develop  
          └── v1.2.3-rc
  • Update this file (README.md).

    1. Confirm that the docs make sense for the current release.
    2. Check links!
    3. Update the Changelog section at the bottom.
  • Perform whatever tests are necessary.

Tag and cut the release with Github Actions

  • Once you have tested in this branch, create a tag in the v1.2.3-rc branch:

    git tag -a -m v1.2.3 v1.2.3
    git push --tags
  • Navigate to the Github Actions URL for this repo, and run the action labeled publish release.

    • You will be asked to choose a branch. Choose your rc branch, e.g. v1.2.3-rc

    • ⚠️ If you run this action without creating a tag on v1.2.3-rc first, the action will fail with an error and nothing will happen.

    If you have correctly tagged a commit and chosen the right branch, this will run and create a new release on the Releases page.

  • Edit the release on that page

Merge up

  • Finish up by merging your -rc branch into
    1. main and then
    2. develop.


(About: Keep-a-Changelog text format)

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Robust unit test coverage and automated CI
  • Uuid template for object name


  • Byte arrays read from fluent-bit are interpreted as utf-8 strings and logged as strings


  • Calls to fluent-bit API and GCS API are now made through interfaces to make them testable
  • Switch to structured logging
  • Use JSON marshalling to produce the file


  • Non-public interim release; no tests yet.


  • Basic plugin and all plugin options; see README


  • Brand-new repo.