Salt Template

A starting point to express testing tools and best practices for custom salt formula.


A changelog should be maintained to express clearly high level changes, as well as pinned versions to those releases.

README.rst is a template file for the instanciation of a formula that should replace this readme.

Salt installes the directory according to a namespace declared in the root project directory. ./{{ template }} should be named according to what the state will be called when installed to salt. Be careful to avoid naming collisions with the installed server.


Provided for your convenience are a series of docker-compose tools to aid in the rapid development. These require docker and docker-compose to be used.


source aliases will provide the ability to pass commands to the master or minion by title (e.g. master salt-key -L or minion salt-call state.sls foo).


Start a Test Cluster

> docker-compose up -d
> master salt-key -A  # Accepts minion

Increase Number of Minions

> docker-compose scale ubuntu=2
> master salt-key -A  # Accepts new minions

Test the Formula

> master salt '*' state.sls formula

Init System Testing

E.g. upstart, systemd, etc.

Init systems cannot be readily tested in a docker environment and thus require a fully fledged VM host to test against. I've documented the process of setting this up, because it is not officially documented as of Jan 31, 2017.

  • Install virtualbox
  • Create a virtualbox base image as root -- Base image must offer sshd with user/pass or user/key
  • Register runner -- See below for sample config.

Runner Config Sample

  name = "$RUNNER_NAME"
  url = "$FQDN/ci"
  token = "$TOKEN"
  executor = "virtualbox"
    user = "$GUEST_USER"
    password = "$GUEST_PASSWORD"
    base_name = "$VM_TO_CLONE"
    disable_snapshots = false

Overview of How Virtualbox Executor Works

  • Runner attempts to find $base_name VM.
  • Runner attempts to find $base_name VM's $base_snapshot or default ('Base State').
  • Runner attempts to find or clones $base_snapshot into $base_name-$key-concurrent-$id.
    • If it did not previously exist, runner snapshots as 'Started'.
    • If it previously existed, the runner reverts to 'Started'.
  • Runner connects to clone via SSH and runs the scripts in your job.


  • VM must be stopped before executor uses it.
  • Virtualbox image must be run as root to setup daemon.
  • When requiring sudo access, you will want to exclude sudo password and set a SUDO_ASKPASS env -- apt install ssh-askpass
  • Runner creates a snapshot point when it is run the first time. If you need to change the base, delete the snapshot.
  • VM snapshot must be removed to update from your base_name.