
dotfiles for archlinux desktop

Primary LanguageVim script


A bunch of dotfiles for console style based desktop. The main purpose is to create a minimalist and comfortable environment with a focus on the use of console applications.


Next software should be installed for only desktop session configuration:

  • Xorg
  • xorg-xinit - runs user's desktop session without display manager
  • awesome
  • compton
  • conky - system info monitor
  • terminus-font - maybe it is not enough to install, because different distributions have different names for this font. Anyway, fix font name in the config files, if it does not work.

Next software is configured with this dotfiles and recommended to be installed:

  • xorg-setxkbmap - I use it to set up keyboard layout switching with Caps Lock key. You can find its usage in .config/awesome/rc.lua
  • rxvt-unicode - I have configured clipboard and appearance for it. You can find nord color scheme I have used here in config files
  • unclutter - makes cursor invisible, if it is idle for a long time
  • vim
  • zsh - I have configured zsh with history, highlight and suggestion plugins. It looks pretty good.
  • ranger, w3m - console-like file manager, w3m is used for image preview
  • mpd, mpc, ncmpcpp - music daemon and his console frontends: first one for mpd configuration, second one is for interraction.
  • neofetch - system info fetcher
  • rtorrent - console-like torrent client
  • qutebrowser, ttf-droid - minimalist, based on Qt5WebEngine, convinient for only keyboard users browser.
  • feh - minimalist image viewer
  • mpv - minimalist video player
  • htop - cool process monitor
  • scrot - minimalist screenshot tool
  • xcursor-neutral
  • lxappearance - tool used for gtk configuration (if your system has no tool for gtk config; you can use this to config xcursor-neutral cursors)
  • yay-git - AUR-helper



For Arch Linux users I have provided commands to install all packages needed for this configs.

Update pacman database:

sudo pacman --sync --refresh

Install base packages:

sudo pacman --sync xorg-server xorg-xinit awesome compton unclutter conky terminus-font

Install other packages:

sudo pacman --sync feh qutebrowser htop lxappearance mpd mpc ncmpcpp neofetch rtorrent scrot ttf-droid xcursor-neutral ranger rxvt-unicode vim zsh xorg-setxkbmap mpv

yay-git should be installed from AUR


Just clone this repo and copy all its contents to your home dir:

git clone --recurse-submodules -j4 https://github.com/kacejot/.dotfiles.git
cp -r .dotfiles/* ~/
cp -r .dotfiles/.* ~/


Config info



  • Notifications
  • Area screenshot