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ChirpStack Docker With Mosquitto Auth

This repository contains a skeleton to setup the ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN Network Server stack using Docker Compose.

Modifications in Mosquitto docker to have minimal atentification

Added a preconfigured strucure for Mosquitto auth. Password static method. "Static password and ACL file" Mqtt Auth.

Add to the docker-compose.yml the volume structure for mosquitto " - ./configuration/mosquitto:/mosquitto "

Data Origen, the folder where you have the docker-compose.yml file - Configuration folder, to match with the other conf files for Chirpstack

  - Configuration
     Inside you will see:
        File passwd: user + password (you need to replace use&password) 
        File acls: acces control list by user (you need to replace users, and if you whant more restrictions, change it based in mosquitto acces rules)
        Folder config:
    File mosquitto.conf

                 allow_anonymous false
                 password_file /mosquitto/passwd
                 acl_file /mosquitto/acls

Data destination

  • This Is the volume folder where will be synchronised the config data. by default is mosquitto, and inside will be synchronized the folders and files from Data origen.

  • Chirpstack conf. Is needed to setup each of the following configurations to allow applications to see each other and with mosquitto. Set the user and password.

  • Password generation

    To be able to generate secure password you need to go to the mosquitto docker container and execute inside the mosquitto password commands.

    Enter to the container:

      sudo docker exec -it <ID container> sh

    Once inside the container generate your password

      mosquitto_passwd -c /mosquitto/passwd yourUSER

User and password crypted generated will be stored in "passwd" file and synchronized with the volume before created.


  • The users created in this step need to be included in the "acls" file.
  • The password used in chirpstack configuration files ARE NOT the crypted password generated inside mosquitto, need to be the original password used.

Note: Please use this docker-compose.yml file as a starting point for testing but keep in mind that for production usage it might need modifications.

Directory layout


The ChirpStack stack components components are pre-configured to work with the provided docker-compose.yml file and defaults to the EU868 LoRaWAN band. Please refer to the configuration/chirpstack-network-server/examples directory for more configuration examples.

Data persistence

PostgreSQL and Redis data is persisted in Docker volumes, see the docker-compose.yml volumes definition.


Before using this docker-compose.yml file, make sure you have Docker installed.


To start the ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN Network Server stack, simply run:

$ docker-compose up

Note: during the startup of services, it is normal to see the following errors:

  • ping database error, will retry in 2s: dial tcp connect: connection refused
  • ping database error, will retry in 2s: pq: the database system is starting up

After all the components have been initialized and started, you should be able to open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.

Add Network Server

When adding the Network Server in the ChirpStack Application Server web-interface (see Network Servers), you must enter chirpstack-network-server:8000 as the Network Server hostname:IP.