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Available Scripts

Script Description
install Installs packages that project relay on.
server Starts back-end server.
client Starts front-end server.
dev Starts development server (both front-end and back-end concurrently).
test Launches the test runner.
build Builds the app for production to the build folder.
start Starts production server.

Manage Jargon App

Here are some user stories that describe some functionality of a React/Redux app, enabling a user to add, edit and delete 'jargon' items from the database.


As an admin a registered user I want to see all available 'jargon' terms in the database.


As an admin I want to add a new 'jargon' item to the database.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Form should disable if input is invalid - name or description field empty or 'jargon' name already exists
  • Users should be reminded of existing jargon terms that match the name input field.
  • User should see a warning if they attempt to enter an item matching one that already exists.


As an admin I want to edit an existing 'jargon' term.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • During editing, user should be able to cancel changes and return to original term
  • During editing, user should be presented with save and cancel options


As an admin, I want to delete an existing 'jargon' term.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • User should be prompted to confirm if they choose to delete


In the screens directory, you can see some screenshots which show the system in action. Should you need them, in the data directory there is a json data file containing all jargon items.