This application is designed to streamline the process of renting cars, providing users with features such as car search, reservation, reservation browsing, login, and registration. The application was created for educational purposes.
- Vuejs 3
- Pinia
- Pinia persistedstate plugin
- Axios
- Vue I18n
- Vue Toastification
- Vuelidate
- Vue Datepicker
- Bootstrap 5
- Vite
- ASP.NET WebApi
- Entity Framework
- Automapper
- Fully responsive
- Support for multiple languages
- User Roles: The system supports multiple user roles including customer, employee, manager, accountant and administrator, each with specific permissions and access levels.
- Reservation Management: Customers can search for available cars, make reservations, and view their reservation history. Employees can view reservations, confirm or cancel them, ensuring smooth operation.
- Fleet Management: Administrators have the capability to add new cars and manage the existing fleet, including updating car details, equipment, and parameters.
Get the code by either cloning this repository using git
git clone
cd CarRental-WebApi
dotnet ef database update
dotnet watch run
dotnet publish -r linux-x64 --no-self-contained
cd CarRental-Frontend
npm install
npm run dev
npm run build