
An application that allows you to check temperature nearby raspberry pi.

Primary LanguagePython

Table of contents

General info

Click here to see general information about application!
This application based on flask allows user to connect to chosen raspberry pi via ssh. After connect user can see real time chart with temperature near by raspberry pi. Personally, I use this application to check the temperature in the server room.


Click here to see the technologies used!
  • Python 3.8.5
  • Flask 1.1.2
  • Docker 20.10.5
  • Docker-compose 1.29.0
  • Raspberry Pi 4 model B
  • KAmodLM75A


Configuration Steps!
  1. Connect the KAmodLM75A module with the Raspberry pi.
  2. Configure Raspberry pi.
  3. Configure the application with "run_config.py".
  4. Run app using "run_app.py".
Click here to see how to connect KAmodLM75A with Raspberry pi!

Cables connection diagram


Click here to see how to configure Raspberry pi!
  1. Turn on SSH in your rassbery pi (use raspi-config)
  2. Set static ip address in your rassbery pi

Setting static ip in Raspberry pi

sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf

If your are in nano editor just add this lines below(use the correct addressing of course). image

Click here to see how to configure app!

The app will guide you through the setup. Just run "run_config.py"

Click here to see how to set up docker-compose!
    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-dev.yml up --build -d & docker-compose ps --filter "status=running"

Application view

Chart view
