
This repository is an implementation of the Snake game server. This project is carried out for the distributed computing course

Primary LanguageC


This repository is an implementation of the Snake game server. This project is carried out for the distributed computing course.


Tech Stack


Run Locally on Linux

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/witczakxd/Snake-Multiplayer-Server

Go to the project directory

  cd Snake-Multiplayer-Server

Run the server

  make run


Debug the server

  make debug


  • Create readme - ✅
  • Fix comments - ✅
  • Implement game logic after snake death - ✅
  • Add documentation (for ex. how many bytes are we sending/reading to/from client)
  • Fix initializing of snake (we don't want to spawn new snake near border)
  • Add color to each snake in Snakes array in Game struct and send this color do client so he can distinguish his snake from others - ✅
  • Refactor code