
Salesforce Formula Parser implemented in ES2017. Live demo at

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Dependency Status devDependency Status

Circle CI

Formulon is a Parser for Salesforce Formulas completely written in ECMA Script 2015. It is the engine behind formulon.io.

Featured on Phil's Tip of the Week

Use Cases

  • Test your Salesforce formulas using the web interface without the need of creating records
  • Parse formula input programmatically and evaluate correctness outside of a Salesforce org
  • In general if you use the Metadata API to add/change formulas, you could benefit from parsing formulas before submitting back to Salesforce



This method will return a object holding value and its metadata

import { parse } from 'formulon'


parse('IF(TRUE, "True String", "False String")')
// {
//  type: 'literal',
//  value: 'True String',
//  dataType: 'text',
//  options: { length: 11 }
// }

type: Metadata from the parser (always literal) value: The value of the result always as a string dataType: The type of the return (currently number, text, checkbox, date, time, datetime, geolocation or null) options: different options per data type

Data Types

Currently the following data types are supported (naming is taken from the Salesforce Field Types):

  • Number (Integer or Float depending on the options)
  • Text
  • Checkbox (TRUE or FALSE)
  • Date (as UTC Date with time components set to 0)
  • Time (as UTC Date with date set to 1970-01-01)
  • Datetime (as UTC Date)
  • Geolocation (as lat, long array)
  • Null (js null value)


Options depend on the data type:

  • Length: Number of digits to the left of the decimal point
  • Scale: Number of digits to the right of the decimal point
  • Length: Number of characters

no options


Whenever an error occurs, an according object is returned:

// {
//   type: 'error',
//   errorType: 'ArgumentError',
//   message: "Incorrect number of parameters for function 'IF()'. Expected 3, received 1",
//   function: 'if',
//   expected: 3,
//   received: 1,
// }

Identifiers (Variables)

It's possible to specify formulas that contain variables. In that case pass the value of the variable in as a second argument:

parse('IF(Variable__c, "True String", "False String")', {Variable__c: {type: 'literal', dataType: 'checkbox', value: true}})
// {
//  type: 'literal',
//  value: 'True String',
//  dataType: 'text',
//  options: { length: 11 }
// }

You'll have to provide the variable in the form:

  type: 'literal',
  value: <the actual value as a JS type>,
  dataType: <the salesforce field type specified above>,
  options: <salesforce field options>


Utility function that returns a list of used variables

extract('IF(Variable__c, Variable__c, AnotherVariable__c)')
// [ 'Variable__c', 'AnotherVariable__c' ]


Formulon exists thanks to the following people who have contributed.