
lodash as a Lightning Web Component

Primary LanguageJavaScript


lodash (4.17.15) as a Lightning Web Component


  1. Copy the force-app/main/default/lwc/lodash directory into your org and deploy.
  2. Import lodash functions in your components and use as normal!
import {LightningElement} from 'lwc';
import {sortBy, groupBy, isNil} from 'c/lodash';

export default class MyComponent extends LightningElement {
  // use sortBy, groupBy, isNil...

Build Process

  1. Run the following command with the lodash CLI: lodash modularize exports=es -o ./
  2. Rename all default files from <filename>.default.js to <filename>Default.js, updating imports in each file appropriately. The component will fail to compile if a filename contains multiple .s—although not explicitly stated in the documentation, it seems that filenames have the same restrictions as directory names (excluding the extension).
  3. Create a new modules directory and move all files except lodash.js and lodashDefault.js into it, renaming imports in each file appropriately.

Future Considerations

  • Script the build process
  • Include lodash/fp modules