
Driving route finder which computes the shortest path using the Djikstra algorithm

Primary LanguageC++

Driving Route Finder


A route finder where the user can indicate a start and end point anywhere in the city of Edmonton. It calculates the shortest route possible using the Dijkstra algorithm and displays it on the Arduino.

Running Instructions

Hardware Components:

  • Arduino Mega 2560 Board
  • Banana plug wires
  • Joystick Component
  • 2 button components
  • 2 10k resistors
  • Adafruit TFT display

Wiring Instructions

Display Pins Arduino Pins
1 GND BB GND bus
2 Vin BB Vcc (positive) bus
4 CLK Pin 52
5 MISO Pin 50
6 MOSI Pin 51
7 CS Pin 10
8 D/C Pin 9
19 CCS Pin 6
Button Pins Arduino Pins
Zoom in button Pin 2
Zoom out button Pin 3
Joystick Pins Arduino Pins
5V Vcc
VRX Analog 1
VRY Analog 0
SW Pin 8

In order to correctly run the program, you must first navigate to the source directory with the project files. Navigate to the client subdirectory, then use the command:

make upload

After running the command above, navigate to the server subdirectory and use the command:

make && ./server

The server will be brought online and the program will be running.

How to Use

Once the program is uploaded to the Arduino and the server is brought online, the following user actions are permitted:

  • The user can use the joystick to move the cursor on the screen, and also press the zoom in/out buttons to scale the map.
  • The user will be prompted with the text "FROM?" at the bottom of the screen, indicating that it is waiting for the starting point.
  • To select a point, click the joystick.
  • The user will then be prompted with the text "TO?", indicating that it is waiting for the end point.
  • Once both points are received, the shortest route possible will be displayed on the screen.


Makefile (server) Targets

  • make (server) : builds the project and generates the server executable
  • make serialport.o : compiles serialport.cpp into its respective object (.o) file
  • make digraph.o : compiles digraph.cpp into its respective object (.o) file
  • make dijkstra.o : compiles dijsktra.cpp into its respective object (.o) file
  • make server.o : compiles server.cpp into its respective object (.o) file
  • make clean : removes the .o and executable files from the source directory
  • make help : prints out further information about the makefile targets available to use