
A command line signer for kadena's chainweb

Primary LanguageHaskell


HD key signing tool for the Kadena blockchain

This tool is a low level command-line tool for signing Kadena transactions. It is especially useful for cold wallet signing. It currently supports signing with HD keys of the kind used by Kadena's Chainweaver wallet/IDE and is therefore a backup alternative for situations where you have your recovery phrase but aren't able to run the Chainweaver wallet itself. It also supports signing with raw ED25519 key pairs such as those generated by pact -g.

All you need to do is put your recovery phrase in a text file with spaces separating each word and then run the following command:

echo <request-key> | keychain sign recovery-phrase.txt 0

The zero at the end is the index of the keys. 0 will give you the first key generated from the recovery phrase, 1 will give you the next one, etc.

Here is the keychain help screen showing the available commands:

$ keychain --help
Usage: keychain COMMAND
  A key management system for the Kadena blockchain

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Available commands:
  gen                      Generate a mnemonic phrase
  key                      Show a keypair from a mnemonic phrase
  sign                     Sign with a mnemonic phrase or standalone key pair
  validate-yaml            Validate the hash of a yaml transaction
  verify                   Verify a signature
  list                     List an HD recovery phrase's public keys

Secure Recovery Phrase Generation

If you don't want to trust this program's key generation, you can use the included recovery phrase word list file to generate your own recovery phrase from throwing 16-sided hexadecimal dice. (You can buy hex dice here.) This notation

0/8 1c adjust

The first two numbers separated by the slash are the hex value of the first die. The second two are the hex values of the rolls of the second and third dice correspondinngly.

The above line means that if you roll either 01c or 81c, the word is "adjust". Roll three hex dice twelve times to get a 12-word recovery phrase.