Election dApp tutorial

This repository contains the code files used in the Election dApp tutorial.

Starting the app

After cloning the repository, install and run the front-end of the application by runnning the following from the root of the project

cd frontend
npm install
npm run start

This will run the front-end of the election dApp with an in-memory data provider. When you have completed the tutorial and deployed the election smart contract to Devnet, you can run the front-end using Devnet as its back-end with the following command.

npm run start-devnet

With this setup, nominated candidates and votes will be stored in the database table of the election smart contract.

Repository structure

The repository is broken down into the following directories:

  • pact, which holds the smart contract and corresponding test files
  • frontend, which holds a basic react application which forms the frontend part of the application
  • snippets, which holds code snippets to interact with the blockchain using the @kadena/client library

See the tutorial for a detailed description on the contents of each of these folders.