
Next.js + Headless Wordpress published under 2 differents domains and visual styles: https://kyeda.app and https://jenaicambre.com

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Next.js website that loads Wordpress API data. Creates 2 distincts websites : jenaiccambre.com and kyeda.app Progressive caching: reloads the index once a day. Only the first visitor takes the load. Then caches all posts forever. Generate social media card image based on the post title


  • Create error page
  • Create listing posts page with pagination
  • Update all previous post IDs template to include an ID
  • Add canonical link that always go to Kyeda for Tips, essay and quotes, but to jenaiccambre for Journal
  • EU cookie disclaimer
  • Display newsletter popup with a slick animate.css
  • Find a way to have every html lang attribute based on the post
  • Create a page for the practical guide (100 ways of living an extraordinary life (with ordinary means)) => Fixed page for SEO
  • Find a way to display all the post quotes in the blog so they can be SEO searched
  • All the post on the website must be shareable in their original format
  • Ability to search quotes by categories and filter them (fixed page for SEO)



  • Add 100 tips page in french


  • Add social media button to share
  • Display featured media if existing instead of bland title


  • Change content so that internal link to goes to destination website (not back to source)


  • SEO: add robots.txt
  • SEO: generate dynamically sitemap.xml
  • Add forceReload capability


  • Add gzip compression



Deployment data

Deployment - Kyeda

  • rsync -avz -e 'ssh' ./journal-jenaiccambre-com @:/var/www/kyeda.app --exclude node_modules --exclude assets --exclude static/posts --exclude .next --exclude .git --exclude .gitignore --exclude .env
  • ssh @
  • cd /var/www/kyeda.app/journal-jenaiccambre-com
  • rm -rf static/posts
  • mkdir static/posts
  • pm2 stop kyeda.app
  • nvm use 10
  • npm i
  • npm run build
  • nvm use 8
  • pm2 restart kyeda.app

Deployment - Jenaic

rsync -avz -e 'ssh' ./journal-jenaiccambre-com @:/var/www/jenaiccambre.com --exclude node_modules --exclude assets --exclude static/posts --exclude .next --exclude .git --exclude .gitignore --exclude .env