if you sitting for long time on your disk working on computer 💻
and don't know how the weather looks like out side 🥴 it is day or night ? it is rain or cloudy or clear ??
this script helps you to set appropriate background for your desktop 🌆
depending on your weather and day time status 🤗
the scrept will get your screen size ,your location, the current weather state in your area , the day time
then brings appropriate image for you from unsplash.com
website , the script collects group of images related to your information then chooses list of most liked images and choose one of them randomly
your need some api keys
- Open weather api key [https://openweathermap.org/appid] for weather status
- unsplash api key [https://unsplash.com/developers] for backgoudn
#code run
- active the virtual env
for windows
for linux$source DynamicOutsideView_env/Scripts/active
- insall requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
*run main script$python main.py
*the script is very old and the local version is missing ,so you have to be carefull when implement it