
Set of tools to kick start server side ES2016 development

Primary LanguageJavaScript


NoFat is an attempt to cure js-fatigue by providing the user a set of default configurations. After setting up nofat, developers can start working on their application instead of messing around with boilerplates.


  • Install nofat
npm install -D nofat
  • Configure npm scripts (add to package.json)
"scripts": {
  "prepublish": "nofat make",
  "test": "nofat test && nofat lint"
  • Place all your source code in the src directory.


why nofat?

The main reason is that it doesn't require any additional runtime dependencies except babel-polyfill and source-map-support so your finished module will be lightweight.

ignore files

You may add the lib directory to your .gitignore file and src directory to your .npmignore file. Note that having a .npmignore file is important because otherwise npm will use your .gitignore file as your .npmignore file which is not what we want.

writing tests

The bundle includes Mocha, Chai and Sinon for tests. You can import these modules from your test files. Nofat also includes ESLint to check code style.