
Primary LanguagePHP



Install the package

composer req kadirov/payme

Add to config/bundles.php

Kadirov\Payme\PaymeBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Create AfterFinishPaymentInterface and BeforeCancelFinishedPayment classes. Add next to config/services.yaml

        class: App\Component\Payme\BeforeCancelFinishedPayment

        class: App\Component\Payme\AfterFinishPayment

Add next lines to your .env file

### Payme
### Payme

Add payme route to config/packages/security.yaml file

            pattern: ^/api/payments/payme
            security: false
                - post

How to use

Create PaymeTransaction via createTransaction() method of PaymeTransactionBuilder. For fiscalization you can also call addItem() method.

Example of simple using

$paymeTransaction = $paymeTransactionBuilder

Example with fiscalization

$paymeTransaction = $paymeTransactionBuilder
    ->addItem('10315002001000000', 3, '195815', $consultingPrice, 'Consulting services', 15)
    ->addItem('10305005001000000', 1, '195763', $softwarePrice, 'Software Development', 15)

When user pays this payment, system will call afterFinishPayment() method of AfterFinishPaymentInterface. So, create class which implements AfterFinishPaymentInterface.

Also, you have to implement BeforeCancelFinishedPaymentInterface . Method in this class will call before cancel a payment. If canceling payment is impossible you can throw BeforeCancelFinishedPaymentException .

How to connect your project with Payme

You should create cashbox on merchant.payme.uz. Then copy ID and specify it as value of PAYME_CASHBOX_ID

Enter to the cashbox, click to settings then developer tools where you can find key and test key. Specify them as values of PAYME_CASHBOX_KEY and PAYME_CASHBOX_TEST_KEY

Also, you have to enter Endpoint URL like to https://my-domain.com/api/payments/payme

Click to tab Payment details and create transactionId

Add next form and users can pay by clicking the button

<!-- Start Payme Form -->
<form method="POST" action="https://checkout.paycom.uz">
    <!-- Use https://test.checkout.paycom.uz URL for testing -->

    <!-- Payme Cashbox ID  -->
    <input type="hidden" name="merchant" value="{{ PAYME_CASHBOX_ID }}"/>

    <!-- Cost with tiyin -->
    <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="{{ transaction.amount }}"/>

    <!-- Payment data -->
    <input type="hidden" name="account[transactionId]" value="{{ transaction.id }}"/>

    <!-- === OPTIONAL DATA === -->
    <!-- Language. By default 'ru'. Available options: ru|uz|en -->
    <input type="hidden" name="lang" value="{{ lang }}"/>

        Currency. By default '860'. Available options: 643|840|860|978
        643 - RUB
        840 - USD
        860 - UZS
        978 - EUR 
    <input type="hidden" name="currency" value="860"/>

        URL to redirecting after payment. By default, payme redirects to URL of Referer header value.
        URL may contain that will be replaced by Payme: 
        :transaction - id of transaction. Can be null if payme couldn't create transaction
        :account.{field} - field of account object
        For example: https://your-service.com/payme/:transaction 
        <input type="hidden" name="callback" value="{{ REDIRECT_URL }}"/>

    <!-- Redirect timeout after successful payment in milliseconds  -->
    <input type="hidden" name="callback_timeout" value="15"/>

        Payment description. You can also specify descriptions in few 
        languages by using description object like name="description[{lang}]".
        As {lang} you can use ru, en or uz
    <input type="hidden" name="description" value="{{ PAYME_DESCRIPTION }}"/>

        Details of payment. You can use JSON object encoded by BASE64. 
        For example:
            "discount": {
                 "title": "discount 5%", 
                 "price": 10000
            "shipping": {
                  "title": "Shipment to Termez 28/23", 
                  "price": 500000
            "items": [
                    "title": "Tomato", 
                    "price": 505000, 
                    "count": 2

    <button type="submit" >Pay with <b>Payme</b></button>