
A Dockerfile for creating a CUBRID RDBMS image on top of the official CentOS distribution.

Primary LanguageShell

What is CUBRID?

CUBRID (/ˈkjuːbrɪd/ "cube-rid") is an open source SQL-based relational database management system (RDBMS) with object extensions developed by NAVER Corporation for web applications.

How to use this image

docker run -p 33000:33000 --name cubrid lighthopper/cubrid:

The image has a default command:

cubrid service start && tail -f $CUBRID_LOGS/**/* $CUBRID_LOGS/**/**/*

It will start CUBRID Service and tail all its logs. You may override this command as follows:

docker run -p 33000:33000 --name cubrid lighthopper/cubrid: cubrid service start 

This, for instance, will start the Service but will not tail log files.

Another alternative command is to create and start the demodb database distributed together with CUBRID.

docker run -p 33000:33000 --name cubrid lighthopper/cubrid: ./create-start-demodb.sh

Or in case CUBRID is already running in a cubrid container:

docker exec cubrid ./create-start-demodb.sh

Available versions

The following versions are available via tags.


All these images are based on CentOS 6.6.

How to build this image:

docker build -t="lighthopper/cubrid:" .

The CUBRID binary will be retrieved on build from http://ftp.cubrid.org/CUBRID_Engine/.