Banking API developed by Kadmo Hardy using Elixir/Phoenix.
To start your Phoenix server:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
- Now you can visit
from your browser.
The main modules of api are accounts
and banking
. In these modules, you can realize user registration, authentication and banking transactions.
To register a new user you can send a POST request to localhost:4000/users
with following json body
"first_name": "First Name",
"last_name": "Last Name",
"email": "",
"role": "admin" -> for backoffice user or "customer" -> for customer user
"password": "Password"
"password_confirmation": "Password Confirmation"
Following, we have a example of response for customer register:
data: {
"account_id": "0cef1dee-ca6d-4d23-b191-3f46e44d6753",
"balance": 1000,
"user": {
"email": "",
"first_name": "Customer12",
"id": "b8965d09-c2f7-44b3-bbbd-f7f8c771051a",
"last_name": "Customer12",
"role": "customer"
and for admin backoffice, we have:
"data": {
"email": "",
"first_name": "Backoffice14",
"id": "b37616cf-418f-4f10-a31b-95fcd45addc7",
"last_name": "BackofficeLast14",
"role": "admin"
To authenticate a customer user it is necessary give authentication token you can send a POST request to localhost:4000/sessions
with following json body
"email": "",
"password": "password"
and for admin user
"email": "",
"password": "password"
After that, the user receives a authentication token, like this:
"data": {
We have two transaction types: bank draft and bank transfer. To make a bank transfer you need send a POST request to localhost:4000/transactions/draft
with following json body
"amount": "12.75", // amount of money (format should be "$$.$$")
To make a bank transfer you need send a POST request to localhost:4000/sessions/transfer
with following json body
"amount": "12.75", // amount of money (format should be "$$.$$")
"target_account_id": "aa6de8e2-fcef-4202-b9ca-1666c30dc9ed" // target account number
It`s important to note that transaction operations needs an authentication token to be realized.
The API provide a set of very simplistic reports that inform the total traded per day, month and year. To give diary report, the user needs make a GET request using the following route:
where type
is the type of report (diary, monthly, yearly, or total), day
is day, month
is a number of month and year
is year.
In the same way, for give monthly report, use
and localhost:4000/reports?type=yearly&year=08
, for yearly report.
Finally, to total reports, uses
The given response has following format
"data": {
"total": 2150
Note that user should be a backoffice user in order to have access to reports.
In the root of this repository, we have a postman project name
that could be used to test API.
The tests for api are present in /test. For models, tests could be started using
mix test test/stone_challenge/accounts_test.exs
mix test test/stone_challenge/banking_test.exs
mix test test/stone_challenge/tokens_test.exs
, for controllers,
mix test test/stone_challenge_web/controllers/page_controller_test.exs
mix test test/stone_challenge_web/controllers/user_controller_test.exs
mix test test/stone_challenge_web/controllers/session_controller_test.exs
mix test test/stone_challenge_web/controllers/bank_draft_controller_test.exs
mix test test/stone_challenge_web/controllers/bank_transfer_controller_test.exs
, and, finally, for views,
mix test test/stone_challenge_web/views/bank_draft_view_test.exs
mix test test/stone_challenge_web/views/bank_transfer_view_test.exs
mix test test/stone_challenge_web/views/user_view_test.exs
mix test test/stone_challenge_web/views/session_view_test.exs
mix test test/stone_challenge_web/views/reports_view_test.exs
or, use mix test
to run all tests
The server was deployed on a digital ocean server. We have a docker container running a PostGres db instance. You can vizualize on the following route. StoneChallengeAPI. For API requests use
The response could be following formats:
For success response,
data: {
For changeset errors,
errors: [{
For general errors,
error: "error message"