
Stone challenge

Primary LanguageElixir

Banking API

Banking API developed by Kadmo Hardy using Elixir/Phoenix.

To start your Phoenix server:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server
  • Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

1. Modules

The main modules of api are accounts and banking. In these modules, you can realize user registration, authentication and banking transactions.

1.1 Accounts

To register a new user you can send a POST request to localhost:4000/users with following json body

	"first_name": "First Name",
	"last_name": "Last Name",
	"email": "useremail@gmail.com", 
  	"role": "admin" -> for backoffice user or "customer" -> for customer user	
	"password": "Password"	
	"password_confirmation": "Password Confirmation" 

Following, we have a example of response for customer register:

    data: {
    	"account_id": "0cef1dee-ca6d-4d23-b191-3f46e44d6753",
        "balance": 1000,
        "user": {
            "email": "customer12@gmail.com",
            "first_name": "Customer12",
            "id": "b8965d09-c2f7-44b3-bbbd-f7f8c771051a",
            "last_name": "Customer12",
            "role": "customer"

and for admin backoffice, we have:

     "data": {
        "email": "backoffice14@gmail.com",
        "first_name": "Backoffice14",
        "id": "b37616cf-418f-4f10-a31b-95fcd45addc7",
        "last_name": "BackofficeLast14",
        "role": "admin"

1.2 Authentication

To authenticate a customer user it is necessary give authentication token you can send a POST request to localhost:4000/sessions with following json body

	"email": "email@email.com", 
  	"password": "password"

and for admin user

	"email": "email@email.com", 
  	"password": "password"

After that, the user receives a authentication token, like this:

    "data": {

1.3 Banking trasactions

We have two transaction types: bank draft and bank transfer. To make a bank transfer you need send a POST request to localhost:4000/transactions/draft with following json body

	"amount": "12.75",                       // amount of money (format should be "$$.$$")

To make a bank transfer you need send a POST request to localhost:4000/sessions/transfer with following json body

	"amount": "12.75",                   				// amount of money (format should be "$$.$$")
	"target_account_id": "aa6de8e2-fcef-4202-b9ca-1666c30dc9ed"   	// target account number 

It`s important to note that transaction operations needs an authentication token to be realized.

1.4 Back Office

The API provide a set of very simplistic reports that inform the total traded per day, month and year. To give diary report, the user needs make a GET request using the following route: localhost:4000/reports?type=diary&day=07&month=08&year=2020 where type is the type of report (diary, monthly, yearly, or total), dayis day, month is a number of month and yearis year.

In the same way, for give monthly report, use localhost:4000/reports?type=monthly&day=07&month=08 and localhost:4000/reports?type=yearly&year=08, for yearly report.

Finally, to total reports, uses localhost:4000/reports?type=total

The given response has following format

  "data": {
      "total": 2150

Note that user should be a backoffice user in order to have access to reports.

2. Postman JSON

In the root of this repository, we have a postman project name


that could be used to test API.

3. Tests

The tests for api are present in /test. For models, tests could be started using

	mix test test/stone_challenge/accounts_test.exs
	mix test test/stone_challenge/banking_test.exs
	mix test test/stone_challenge/tokens_test.exs

, for controllers,

	mix test test/stone_challenge_web/controllers/page_controller_test.exs
	mix test test/stone_challenge_web/controllers/user_controller_test.exs
	mix test test/stone_challenge_web/controllers/session_controller_test.exs
	mix test test/stone_challenge_web/controllers/bank_draft_controller_test.exs
	mix test test/stone_challenge_web/controllers/bank_transfer_controller_test.exs

, and, finally, for views,

	mix test test/stone_challenge_web/views/bank_draft_view_test.exs
	mix test test/stone_challenge_web/views/bank_transfer_view_test.exs
	mix test test/stone_challenge_web/views/user_view_test.exs
	mix test test/stone_challenge_web/views/session_view_test.exs
	mix test test/stone_challenge_web/views/reports_view_test.exs

or, use mix test to run all tests

4. Deployed version

The server was deployed on a digital ocean server. We have a docker container running a PostGres db instance. You can vizualize on the following route. StoneChallengeAPI. For API requests use

5. Reponse format

The response could be following formats:

For success response,

		data: {

For changeset errors,

		errors: [{

For general errors,

		error: "error message"