
Kubernetes-native package for Tekton Pipelines, a cloud-native solution for building CI/CD systems.

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Tekton Pipelines

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A Carvel package for Tekton Pipelines, a cloud-native solution for building CI/CD systems.

๐Ÿš€  Getting Started


  • Kubernetes 1.28+

  • Carvel kctrl CLI.

  • Carvel kapp-controller deployed in your Kubernetes cluster. You can install it with Carvel kapp (recommended choice) or kubectl.

    kapp deploy -a kapp-controller -y \
      -f https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/releases/latest/download/release.yml


Add the Kadras package repository to your Kubernetes cluster:

kctrl package repository add -r kadras-packages \
  --url ghcr.io/kadras-io/kadras-packages \
  -n kadras-system --create-namespace
Installation without package repository The recommended way of installing the Tekton Pipelines package is via the Kadras package repository. If you prefer not using the repository, you can add the package definition directly using kapp or kubectl.
kubectl create namespace kadras-system
kapp deploy -a tekton-pipelines-package -n kadras-system -y \
  -f https://github.com/kadras-io/package-for-tekton-pipelines/releases/latest/download/metadata.yml \
  -f https://github.com/kadras-io/package-for-tekton-pipelines/releases/latest/download/package.yml

Install the Tekton Pipelines package:

kctrl package install -i tekton-pipelines \
  -p tekton-pipelines.packages.kadras.io \
  -v ${VERSION} \
  -n kadras-system

Note You can find the ${VERSION} value by retrieving the list of package versions available in the Kadras package repository installed on your cluster.

kctrl package available list -p tekton-pipelines.packages.kadras.io -n kadras-system

Verify the installed packages and their status:

kctrl package installed list -n kadras-system

๐Ÿ“™  Documentation

Documentation, tutorials and examples for this package are available in the docs folder. For documentation specific to Tekton Pipelines, check out tekton.dev.

๐ŸŽฏ  Configuration

The Tekton Pipelines package can be customized via a values.yml file.

    replicas: 3

Reference the values.yml file from the kctrl command when installing or upgrading the package.

kctrl package install -i tekton-pipelines \
  -p tekton-pipelines.packages.kadras.io \
  -v ${VERSION} \
  -n kadras-system \
  --values-file values.yml


The Tekton Pipelines package has the following configurable properties.

Configurable properties
Config Default Description
ca_cert_data "" PEM-encoded certificate data to trust TLS connections with a custom CA.
policies.include false Whether to include the out-of-the-box Kyverno policies to validate and secure the package installation.
controllers.pipelines.replicas 1 The number of replicas for the tekton-pipelines-controller Deployment. In order to enable high availability, it should be greater than 1.
controllers.resolvers.replicas 1 The number of replicas for the tekton-pipelines-remote-resolvers Deployment. In order to enable high availability, it should be greater than 1.
controllers.resolvers.artifact_hub_url https://artifacthub.io/ The Artifact Hub API used by the Hub Resolver to resolve remote pipelines and tasks.
controllers.resolvers.tekton_hub_url https://api.hub.tekton.dev/ The Tekton Hub API used by the Hub Resolver to resolve remote pipelines and tasks.
webhook.minReplicas 1 The minimum number of replicas as controlled by a HorizontalPodAutoscaler. In order to enable high availability, it should be greater than 1.
opentelemetry.exporter.jaeger.username "" The username to access the distributed tracing backend. Optional.
opentelemetry.exporter.jaeger.password "" The password/token to authenticate with the distributed tracing backend. Optional.

Default configuration stored in the config-defaults ConfigMap.

Config Default Description
config-defaults.default-timeout-minutes 60 Number of minutes to use for TaskRun and PipelineRun, if none is specified.
config-defaults.default-service-account default Service account name to use for TaskRun and PipelineRun, if none is specified.
config-defaults.default-managed-by-label-value tekton-pipelines Value given to the app.kubernetes.io/managed-by label applied to all Pods created for TaskRuns.
config-defaults.default-pod-template "" Pod template to use for TaskRun and PipelineRun.
config-defaults.default-affinity-assistant-pod-template "" Pod template to use for affinity assistant Pods.
config-defaults.default-task-run-workspace-binding emptyDir: {} Workspace configuration provided for any Workspaces that a Task declares but that a TaskRun does not explicitly provide.
config-defaults.default-max-matrix-combinations-count 256 Maximum number of combinations from a Matrix, if none is specified.
config-defaults.default-forbidden-env "" Comma seperated environment variables that cannot be overridden by PodTemplate.
config-defaults.default-resolver-type "" The default resolver type to be used in the cluster.
config-defaults.default-imagepullbackoff-timeout 5m The default duration to wait before requeuing the TaskRun to retry, specifying 0 here is equivalent to fail fast. Possible values could be 1m, 5m, 10s, 1h, etc.

Events configuration stored in the config-events ConfigMap.

Config Default Description
config-events.sink "" CloudEvents sink to be used for TaskRun, PipelineRun, and CustomRun. If no sink is specified, no CloudEvent is generated.

Leader election configuration stored in the config-leader-election-controller ConfigMap.

Config Default Description
config-leader-election-controller.lease-duration 60s How long non-leaders will wait to try to acquire the lock; 15 seconds is the value used by core Kubernetes controllers.
config-leader-election-controller.renew-deadline 40s How long a leader will try to renew the lease before giving up; 10 seconds is the value used by core Kubernetes controllers.
config-leader-election-controller.retry-period 10s How long the leader election client waits between tries of actions; 2 seconds is the value used by core Kubernetes controllers.
config-leader-election-controller.buckets 1 Yhe number of buckets used to partition key space of each Reconciler. If this number is M and the replica number of the controller is N, the N replicas will compete for the M buckets. The owner of a bucket will take care of the reconciling for the keys partitioned into that bucket. The maximum value of at this time is 10.

Leader election configuration stored in the config-leader-election-events ConfigMap.

Config Default Description
config-leader-election-events.lease-duration 60s How long non-leaders will wait to try to acquire the lock; 15 seconds is the value used by core Kubernetes controllers.
config-leader-election-events.renew-deadline 40s How long a leader will try to renew the lease before giving up; 10 seconds is the value used by core Kubernetes controllers.
config-leader-election-events.retry-period 10s How long the leader election client waits between tries of actions; 2 seconds is the value used by core Kubernetes controllers.
config-leader-election-events.buckets 1 Yhe number of buckets used to partition key space of each Reconciler. If this number is M and the replica number of the controller is N, the N replicas will compete for the M buckets. The owner of a bucket will take care of the reconciling for the keys partitioned into that bucket. The maximum value of at this time is 10.

Leader election configuration stored in the config-leader-election-webhook ConfigMap.

Config Default Description
config-leader-election-webhook.lease-duration 60s How long non-leaders will wait to try to acquire the lock; 15 seconds is the value used by core Kubernetes controllers.
config-leader-election-webhook.renew-deadline 40s How long a leader will try to renew the lease before giving up; 10 seconds is the value used by core Kubernetes controllers.
config-leader-election-webhook.retry-period 10s How long the leader election client waits between tries of actions; 2 seconds is the value used by core Kubernetes controllers.
config-leader-election-webhook.buckets 1 Yhe number of buckets used to partition key space of each Reconciler. If this number is M and the replica number of the controller is N, the N replicas will compete for the M buckets. The owner of a bucket will take care of the reconciling for the keys partitioned into that bucket. The maximum value of at this time is 10.

Leader election configuration stored in the config-leader-election-resolvers ConfigMap.

Config Default Description
config-leader-election-resolvers.lease-duration 60s How long non-leaders will wait to try to acquire the lock; 15 seconds is the value used by core Kubernetes controllers.
config-leader-election-resolvers.renew-deadline 40s How long a leader will try to renew the lease before giving up; 10 seconds is the value used by core Kubernetes controllers.
config-leader-election-resolvers.retry-period 10s How long the leader election client waits between tries of actions; 2 seconds is the value used by core Kubernetes controllers.
config-leader-election-resolvers.buckets 1 Yhe number of buckets used to partition key space of each Reconciler. If this number is M and the replica number of the controller is N, the N replicas will compete for the M buckets. The owner of a bucket will take care of the reconciling for the keys partitioned into that bucket. The maximum value of at this time is 10.

Logging configuration stored in the config-logging ConfigMaps.

Config Default Description
config-logging.zap-logger-config "" Configuration for the zap logger used by all Tekton containers.
config-logging.loglevel.controller info Log level for the tekton-pipelines-controller and tekton-pipelines-resolvers Deployments.
config-logging.loglevel.webhook info Log level for the tekton-pipelines-webhook Deployment.

Observability configuration stored in the config-observability ConfigMaps.

Config Default Description
config-observability.metrics.backend-destination prometheus The system metrics destination. Supported values: prometheus, stackdriver.
config-observability.metrics.stackdriver-project-id "" The Stackdriver project ID. When running on GCE, application default credentials will be used and metrics will be sent to the cluster's project if this field is not provided.
config-observability.metrics.allow-stackdriver-custom-metrics false Whether it is allowed to send metrics to Stackdriver using 'global' resource type and custom metric type. Ignore if backend_destination is not stackdriver.
config-observability.metrics.taskrun.level task Level for the TaskRun metrics controlling which labels are included: (taskrun, task, namespace), (task, namespace), (namespace). Supported values: taskrun, task, namespace.
config-observability.metrics.taskrun.duration-type histogram Duration type for the TaskRun metrics. Histogram value isnโ€™t available when the taskrun level is selected. Supported values: histogram, lastvalue.
config-observability.metrics.pipelinerun.level pipeline Level for the PipelineRun metrics controlling which labels are included: (pipelinerun, pipeline, namespace), (pipeline, namespace), (namespace). Supported values: pipelinerun, pipeline, namespace.
config-observability.metrics.pipelinerun.duration-type histogram Duration type for the PipelineRun metrics. Histogram value isnโ€™t available when the pipelinerun level is selected. Supported values: histogram, lastvalue.
config-observability.metrics.count.enable-reason false Whether to include the reason as part of the count metrics for failed PipelineRuns and TaskRuns.

Tracing configuration stored in the config-tracing ConfigMaps.

Config Default Description
config-tracing.enabled false Enable sending traces to defined endpoint by setting this to true.
config-tracing.endpoint "" The endpoint where the distributed tracing backend accepts OpenTelemetry traces using the Jaeger protocol.

Feature flags configuration stored in the feature-flags ConfigMap.

Config Default Description
feature-flags.coschedule workspaces Setting this flag will determine how PipelineRun Pods are scheduled with Affinity Assistant. Options: workspaces, pipelineruns, isolate-pipelinerun, disabled.
feature-flags.disable-creds-init false Setting this flag to true will prevent Tekton scanning attached service accounts and injecting any credentials it finds into your Steps.
feature-flags.await-sidecar-readiness true Setting this flag to false will stop Tekton from waiting for a TaskRun's sidecar containers to be running before starting the first step. This will allow Tasks to be run in environments that don't support the DownwardAPI volume type, but may lead to unintended behaviour if sidecars are used.
feature-flags.running-in-environment-with-injected-sidecars true This option should be set to false when Pipelines is running in a cluster that does not use injected sidecars such as Istio. Setting it to false should decrease the time it takes for a TaskRun to start running. For clusters that use injected sidecars, setting this option to false can lead to unexpected behavior.
feature-flags.require-git-ssh-secret-known-hosts true Setting this flag to true will require that any Git SSH Secret offered to Tekton must have known_hosts included.
feature-flags.enable-tekton-oci-bundles false Setting this flag to true enables the use of Tekton OCI bundle. This is an experimental feature and thus should still be considered an alpha feature.
feature-flags.enable-api-fields beta Setting this flag will determine which gated features are enabled. Support values: stable, beta, alpha.
feature-flags.send-cloudevents-for-runs false Setting this flag to true enables CloudEvents for CustomRuns and Runs, as long as a CloudEvents sink is configured in the config-defaults ConfigMap.
feature-flags.trusted-resources-verification-no-match-policy ignore This flag affects the behavior of taskruns and pipelineruns in cases where no VerificationPolicies match them. If it is set to fail, TaskRuns and PipelineRuns will fail verification if no matching policies are found. If it is set to warn, TaskRuns and PipelineRuns will run to completion if no matching policies are found, and an error will be logged. If it is set to ignore, TaskRuns and PipelineRuns will run to completion if no matching policies are found, and no error will be logged.
feature-flags.enable-provenance-in-status true Setting this flag to true enables populating the provenance field in TaskRun and PipelineRun status. This field contains metadata about resources used in the TaskRun/PipelineRun such as the source from where a remote Task/Pipeline definition was fetched.
feature-flags.enforce-nonfalsifiability none Setting this flag will determine how Tekton Pipelines will handle non-falsifiable provenance. If set to spire, then SPIRE will be used to ensure non-falsifiable provenance. If set to none, then Tekton will not have non-falsifiable provenance. This is an experimental feature and thus should still be considered an alpha feature.
feature-flags.results-from termination-message Setting this flag will determine how Tekton pipelines will handle extracting results from the task. Acceptable values are termination-message or sidecar-logs. sidecar-logs is an experimental feature and thus should still be considered an alpha feature.
feature-flags.max-result-size 4096 Setting this flag will determine the upper limit of each task result. This flag is optional and only associated with the previous flag, results-from. When results-from is set to sidecar-logs, this flag can be used to configure the upper limit of a task result.
feature-flags.set-security-context false Setting this flag to true will limit privileges for containers injected by Tekton into TaskRuns. This allows TaskRuns to run in namespaces with restricted pod security standards. Not all Kubernetes implementations support this option.
feature-flags.keep-pod-on-cancel false Setting this flag to true will keep pod on cancellation allowing examination of the logs on the pods from cancelled taskruns.
feature-flags.enable-cel-in-whenexpression false Setting this flag to true will enable the CEL evaluation in WhenExpression.
feature-flags.enable-step-actions false Setting this flag to true will enable the use of StepActions in Steps. This feature is in preview mode and not implemented yet. Please check #7259 for updates.

Configuration for the bundle resolver stored in the bundleresolver-config ConfigMap.

Config Default Description
resolvers.bundleresolver-config.default-service-account default The default name of the service account to use when constructing registry credentials.
resolvers.bundleresolver-config.default-kind task The default resource kind to pull out of the bundle. Supported values: pipeline, task.

Configuration for the cluster resolver stored in the cluster-resolver-config ConfigMap.

Config Default Description
resolvers.cluster-resolver-config.default-kind task The default resource kind to fetch. Supported values: pipeline, task.
resolvers.cluster-resolver-config.default-namespace "" The default namespace to fetch resources from.
resolvers.cluster-resolver-config.allowed-namespaces "" A comma-separated list of namespaces which the resolver is allowed to access. Defaults to empty, meaning all namespaces are allowed.
resolvers.cluster-resolver-config.blocked-namespaces "" A comma-separated list of namespaces which the resolver is blocked from accessing. Defaults to empty, meaning all namespaces are allowed.

Configuration for the git resolver stored in the git-resolver-config ConfigMap.

Config Default Description
resolvers.git-resolver-config.fetch-timeout 1m The maximum amount of time a single anonymous cloning resolution may take.
resolvers.git-resolver-config.default-url https://github.com/tektoncd/catalog.git The git url to fetch the remote resource from when using anonymous cloning.
resolvers.git-resolver-config.default-revision main The git revision to fetch the remote resource from with either anonymous cloning or the authenticated API.
resolvers.git-resolver-config.scm-type github The SCM type to use with the authenticated API. Supported values: github, gitlab, gitea, bitbucketserver, bitbucketcloud.
resolvers.git-resolver-config.server-url "" The SCM server URL to use with the authenticated API. Not needed when using github.com, gitlab.com, or BitBucket Cloud.
resolvers.git-resolver-config.api-token-secret-name "" The Kubernetes secret containing the API token for the SCM provider. Required when using the authenticated API.
resolvers.git-resolver-config.api-token-secret-key "" The key in the API token secret containing the actual token. Required when using the authenticated API.
resolvers.git-resolver-config.api-token-secret-namespace default The namespace containing the API token secret.
resolvers.git-resolver-config.default-org "" The default organization to look for repositories under when using the authenticated API.

Configuration for the hub resolver stored in the hubresolver-config ConfigMap.

Config Default Description
resolvers.hubresolver-config.default-tekton-hub-catalog Tekton The default Tekton Hub catalog from where to pull the resource.
resolvers.hubresolver-config.default-artifact-hub-task-catalog tekton-catalog-tasks The default Artifact Hub Task catalog from where to pull the resource.
resolvers.hubresolver-config.default-artifact-hub-pipeline-catalog tekton-catalog-pipelines The default Artifact Hub Pipeline catalog from where to pull the resource.
resolvers.hubresolver-config.default-kind task The default resource kind to fetch. Supported values: pipeline, task.
resolvers.hubresolver-config.default-type artifact The default hub from where to pull the resource. Supported values: artifact, tekton.

Feature flags configuration stored in the resolvers-feature-flags ConfigMap.

Config Default Description
resolvers.resolvers-feature-flags.enable-bundles-resolver true Setting this flag to true enables remote resolution of Tekton OCI bundles.
resolvers.resolvers-feature-flags.enable-hub-resolver true Setting this flag to true enables remote resolution of tasks and pipelines via the Tekton Hub.
resolvers.resolvers-feature-flags.enable-git-resolver true Setting this flag to true enables remote resolution of tasks and pipelines from Git repositories.
resolvers.resolvers-feature-flags.enable-cluster-resolver true Setting this flag to true enables remote resolution of tasks and pipelines from other namespaces within the cluster.

๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ  Security

The security process for reporting vulnerabilities is described in SECURITY.md.

๐Ÿ–Š๏ธ  License

This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.