Generation 1 Pokedex

Our version of a "Pokedex" is a CLI application that allows new or returning users to display information from each of the first 151 "Pokemon", and add or remove "Pokemon" from a user's "Favorite Pokemon" collection.


We created this repo as a project for our first "Module" in the Immersive Software Engineering Bootcamp at Flatiron School Denver.

Built Using

Ruby 2.6.1 / Active Record - on Mac OS Catalina

API Reference

PokeAPI -

This API rocks if you are a "Pokemon" fan, and want to have access to all the "Pokemon" information you can handle.

How to use/open

Fork and clone this repository, open in a code editor.

From the root directory of this project, in the terminal, use command:

bundle install

While still in the root directory, to create local database tables use rake command:

rake db:migrate

Then, to seed the tables from the 'PokeAPI', use rake command:

rake db:seed

Finally, start the app with this command:

ruby runner.rb

You should now see the intro to the Pokedex app.

Instructions / Walkthrough

If returning, type your username, and hit return/enter.

If new user, type the desired username and hit return/enter.

For each menu that appears in the app, use the 'up' and 'down' keys to highlight an option, and then press return/enter to make a choice.

Main Menu

Learn about a Pokemon

This option takes the user to a menu that allows them to choose which method they would like to input the "Pokemon" they are searching for the options are to search by name, search by "Pokemon ID" number (1 - 151), or the user can access a list of "Pokemon Types" that allows them to search through a list of "Pokemon" belonging to that "Type".

See my Favorite Pokemon

This option allows the current user to see a list of "Pokemon" that were previously added to their "Favorite Pokemon" list. This is followed by the option to select and view the displayed information for a single "Pokemon". Which then brings you to a sub-menu that gives you two more options, to "Remove Pokemon from my Favorites", or to return to the main menu.

Update my username

This option allows a user to change their username, and keep all of favorite "Pokemon" in their "Favorite Pokemon" collection.

Switch user

This option allows the current user to switch to another account if it has previously been created from their local machine. If the username does not exist, "Pokedex" will create a new username with the username entered.

I'm done

This last option exits the application and returns you to your terminal's shell.

Youtube Demo Link

Youtube link to a screen recording of the app! -

Final comments

Thanks for opening and tinkering with our version of a "Pokemon" generation 1 "Pokedex", we hope it was enjoyable! Please understand this is our first ever programming project using any kind of code language, we would love feedback that is constructive and helpful from all who made it this far!

Creators / Collaborators:

Kristine Du -
Tyler Funk -


Thank you to 'MatheusFaria' on GitHub for supplying the entire ASCII art file we translated to ruby!

Special thanks to (Maija Fiikus I believe is their name) who originally created the ASCII art used. (Some images were created through an ASCII art generator)