
Primary LanguageDartGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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I'm creating this app because:

  1. I wanted to have all the information that I use to chase the wind in one place
  2. Learn Flutter
  3. Help the local kitesurfing community

Getting Started

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation.


I'm not a graphic desginer, but the app needs to have a logo. One of the appraches is to harness the golden ratio to design the icon:


Great page: https://github.com/brianegan/flutter_architecture_samples

The app is really simple and the first iteration was based on "Lifting state up" approach, so only no additional libs were used. This was a mistake, even for the simplest app as mine, passing state to widgets is more complex then it should be. I couldn't explain it better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKXz3pUkw9A&t.


I decided to use Redux https://github.com/johnpryan/redux.dart instead. Mainly due to the fact, that I know it as I use it in professional Web projects. If you don't know it, I strongly recommend at least reading about the concept: https://redux.js.org/introduction and if it solves your problem https://daveceddia.com/what-does-redux-do/.

I was surprised with the low popularity of the project. From github: Dart 171 stars, .Net 564 stars(not maintained anymore), JS 44,268 stars.

Good things:

  • it works :)
  • logging, thunk, epics
  • selector memoization (to be verified)
  • state persistance

Thing that don't work (as I would expect)

  • FlutterRedux https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/flutter_redux

    • Wiring state change to a widget, takes so much fuss ... If you compare it to e.g. angular + ngrx it's much simpler there.
    • The other thing is that using the store provider I was able to get the store exactly of type Store only. If the AppState was of type ISubState, I was not able to get the Store. The store is being passed using InheritedWidget https://docs.flutter.io/flutter/widgets/InheritedWidget-class.html and it's prbably its constraint. TODO: analyze the topic deeper
  • Navigation. Navigation is done via Flutter's mechanism. This happens outside of redux. I implemented e.g. onWllPopScope workaround, here and there , but this solves one specific issue and it's pretty ugly. TODO: create redux - navigation adapter

  • Dialogs. The problem with a dialog originates from a fact that we want to display dialogs always on top, no matter how deep in the widget tree we are. Flutter expose show dialog to do the job. I would like to control the visibility of each dialog by a state prop and I wasn't able to do it. One of the trials, with overlay manager is on the deep-dialog branch.

  • TOOO: Analyze https://hillelcoren.com/2018/06/01/building-a-large-flutter-app-with-redux/


Project structure

  • Folder by feature
  • .action - actions file
  • .{type} - indicates the type inside of the file, e.g view indicates it's a presentational component

Coding convention

  • Named parameters in public mehtods and constructors. Required annotation for mandatory parameters
  • Use keys for all the widgets

Json serialization

This is so cumbersome ... You need to take care of the serialization by yourself, there are tools that can help and generate much of the code but still it takes time. The tool I used is https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/json_serializable. In the official docs https://flutter.io/docs/development/data-and-backend/json one of the mentioned way is to use manual serialization, don't go this way ;)

Here there is a nice summary of the options: https://medium.com/flutter-io/some-options-for-deserializing-json-with-flutter-7481325a4450


Custom icons

Custom painter


Missing features




The aim is to setup using Travis CI:

  • Google Play deploy
  • beta distribution with AppCenter
  • automatic build on master commit
  • unit test runner
  • test coverage

Google Play deploy is well documented here: https://flutter.io/docs/deployment/fastlane-cd I did the first step. In order to make the Google Play deploy work, android.properties file needs to be filled.

I configured https://appcenter.ms. In order to make it work android/fastlane/Fastfile.private needs to be filled.

Code coverage
