
Enables zooming of the gnome shell using alt and mousewheel

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(c) Sep 2011, Tobias Quinn <tobias@tobiasquinn.com>


This uses python-xlib and python-dbus to allow the gnome shell to be zoomed
like enhanced zoom desktop in compiz using the alt, ctrl or shift modifier and mouse scrollwheel

To select the modifier key use dconf-editor and navigate to:


Note: mousewheelzoom needs to be restarted after a configuration change for it to take effect

Note: config only works with the precise and quantal builds (master branch)

There is an archlinux PKGBUILD provided (available from AUR as gnome-shell-mousewheel-zoom-git)

A ppa for Ubuntu oneiric, precise and quantal is available from:


to install do:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tobias-quinn/gsmz
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gnome-shell-mousewheel-zoom

The branches have recently changed master is for gnome 3.4 onwards (ubuntu precies and quantal).

oneiric branch is for ubuntu oneiric and uses python-xlib

There is also a ubuntu precise port using gsettings in the branch precise-gsettings.