
Webpanel for managing Toguru toggles.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Toguru management panel

Webpanel for managing Toguru toggles.

Toguru management panel screen


Download last version (1.1.5) of toguru-panel here, configure it and run!


In config.json file you can configure toguru-panel for your own purposes.

  • apiUrl - link to your Toguru service instance
  • slackLink (optional) - Link on your Slack channel for support. To find out team id please use this team.info API and for channel id use this channels.list API
  • hashRouting (optional, true/false) - enable hash routing for cases when toguru-panel must be served from filesystem
  • entriesPerPage (optional) - configure how much entries must be per one page of list.


If you want to build your distributive of toguru-panel manually, you might have preinstalled NodeJS and Gulp.
To run production build, use: gulp dist:production.


If you want to develop toguru-panel, use default gulp task. It will serve application with watches and fast development builds.

To override default api url for development, please use --apiUrl parameter.
gulp --apiUrl https://toguru.autoscout24.com.


You can install and run the application through a docker container using ./npm script (pipes all commands to npm running inside a node docker container)

  • Install deps: ./npm install
  • Run dev server: ./npm run gulp


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).