JSM to ES Module Babel Plugin

Build Status

This module converts import and export statements in .jsm modules to ES modules. For example:


const {utils: Cu} = Components;
const {Bar, Baz} = Cu.import("resource://activity-stream/addon/barbaz.jsm", {});

function Stuff() {
  return 123;

this.Whatever = {};
this.Stuff = Stuff;
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Stuff", "Whatever"];

Compiles to:

import {Bar, Baz} from "addon/barbaz.js";

export function Stuff() {
  return 123;

export var Whatever = {};

Caveats / Limitations

Use top-level imports and exports only

Because import and export statements in ES modules must be statically analyzable, this plugin will only transform top level Cu.import / EXPORTED_SYMBOLS. Example:


const {utils: Cu} = Components;
const {Bar} = Cu.import("resource://foo/Bar.jsm", {});

this.Baz = 123;
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Baz"];


const {utils: Cu} = Components;
const root = this;
function innerFunction() {
  // This won't get converted because it's inside innerFunction
  const {Bar} = Cu.import("resource://foo/Bar.jsm", {});

  // Don't do this either
  root.Baz = 123;


Don't alias this or dynamically add items to var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS when exporting

You should only declare this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS once in the top-level scope, and it should not be modified.


function Foo() {...}
this.Foo = Foo;
this.Bar = 123;
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Foo", "Bar"];


const root = this;
const Foo = 123;
root.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Foo"]; // Don't alias this when exporting
root.Bar = 456;
root.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS.push("Bar"); // Don't do this

Don't reassign Components.utils.import

Assigning variables to Components or Components.utils is OK, but don't assign the .import;

const C = Components; // OK
const {utils: Cu} = Components; // OK
const u = Components.utils // OK

const {import} = Cu; // Don't do this
const i = Components.utils.import // Don't do this



Defaults to /^resource:\/\/. A RegEx or String that tests for which import paths to rewrite.


Defaults to false. Remove the basePath component of the import string?

e.g. If the basePath is /^resource:\/\/, resource://activity-stream/foo.js will be rewritten to activity-stream/foo.js.

"plugins": ["transform-react-jsx", {basePath: "resource://activity-stream/"}],


Defaults to false. Rewrite import path as relative.


Defaults to false. Should we remove non-matching imports?