
Tool to quickly and accurately extract links from markdown.

Primary LanguageRustBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Markdown Link Extractor


Simple Explanation

A simple utility to quickly and accurately extract links from Markdown files. Intended to be a tool for markdown-based personal wikis and notetaking systems.

Planned features:

  • Read multiple files, output to STDOUT
  • JSON and character-delimited text formats
  • Fully documented cli options and source code


(May be eventually bundled in this project.)

  • Pipe output to fzf for terminal-based bookmark manager
  • Automatic link checking
  • Create maps of links (MOLs, like MOCs but external resources)
  • Obsessive self-analysis, with statistics

Technical Details

Uses comrak to parse markdown to an abstract syntax tree (AST). This will hopefully be more accurate than attempting to extract links with regular expressions (regex).