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Sauce Test Status Sauce Test Status React I13n provides a performant and scalable approach to instrumentation.

In most cases, you have to manage the instrumentation model data you want and send out beacons separately, by using react-i13n, you have a better way to manage beacons with an inheritance architecture.

Also, if you want to track a link click, you will not have to hook the click event and send out event beacon. We provide React components to handle this for you, all you need to do is define the data model you want to beacon out.

Main Ideas

It's originated from Rafael Martins.

react-i13n utilizes the life cycle events provided by React to build an i13n tree that mirrors the React component hierarchy. This approach optimizes for performance by reducing the need to scrape the DOM for data before beaconing.

react-i13n is pluggable to integrate any data analytics library into the same tree architecture. All that is needed is to implement the plugin and the handler functions which integrate with the libraries transport functions.

I13n Tree

  • react-i13n build the I13n Tree with context and life cycle event componentWillMount, we could define the i13nModel data we need. Which means we don't need addtional DOM manipulation when we want to get i13nModel values for sending out linkview/click beacon.
  • i13nModel could be a plain object or a dynamic function with a proper i13nModel object return, which means we could dynamically change i13nModel data without causing rerender due to the props changes.
  • Whenever we want to get the i13nModel for certain node, it traverses back to the root and merge all the i13nModel information in the path. Since the tree is already built and we don't need extra DOM access, it should be pretty cheap and efficient.

I13n Node

  • The node in i13n Tree, it will be passed with the payload to the handler function, it provides APIs for users to get the informations needed for beaconing.
  • i13nNode.getModel - get the i13nModel data of the node.
  • i13nNode.getMergedModel - get the model data which is traversed and combined to the root.
  • i13nNode.getPosition - get the position of its parent.
  • i13nNode.getText - get the inner text value of that node.
  • i13nNode.isTraversed - get is traversed or not.
  • i13nNode.isInViewport - get is in viewport or not, if we didn't enable viewport checking, it will always be true
  • i13nNode.traverseNodes - recursively traverse the nodes and users could pass handler into the function to do what they need, like gathering links.


All the components we provide are harmony with both server side and client side, If you are using isomorphic framework to build your app, you could get some events e.g., pageview on both server and client side, which means you could select a prefer way to handle the event.

Viewport Checking

We integrate the viewport checking and set the status in each I13nNode, it could be used to know if you want to send out the data only when node is in viewport.


ynpm install react-i13n


Init ReactI13n

We provide setupI13n as a convenient higher order function to setup the ReactI13n, you will need to pass your top level component, options, and plugins into. It takes care of creating a ReactI13n instance and setup the plugins. Just use the function to create a component then render it.

  • Component - the top level component
  • options - the options passed into ReactI13n
  • options.rootModelData - defined the i13nModel data of the root.
  • options.I13nNodeClass - you can inherit the I13nNode and add the functionality you need, just pass the class.
  • options.isViewportEnabled - define if you want to enable the viewport checking.
  • plugins - plugins array that you defined according to the definition below.

Implement the plugin.

A valid plugin must contains

  • name - the plugin name
  • eventHandlers - handlers functions for the events, typically in the eventHandler function we would send out a tracking beacon, now react-i13n has click, created and enterViewport, you can define the events you need and implement the handlers function, e.g., pageview.
    • click - happens when user click a I13nComponent with ClickHandler
    • created - happens when the I13nComponent is created
    • enterViewport - happens when the isViewportEnabled is true and the node enter the viewport

All the eventHandler would receive a payload object and a callback function, in payload you will get:

  • payload.I13nNode - the I13n node related to the event, then you could use the APIs provided by I13nNode to get the information you need.
  • payload.env - server or client, some events e.g., pageview will fire on both server and client side, you can define the prefer way you want to handle the beacon.
var React = require('react/addons');
var ReactI13n = require('react-i13n').ReactI13n;
var setupI13n = require('react-i13n').setupI13n;
// define the plugin
var gaPlugin = {
    name: 'ga',
    eventHandlers: {
        click: function (payload, callback) {
            // click handlers
        event: function (payload, callback) {
            // event handlers
        pageview: function (payload, callback) {
            if ('client' === payload.env) {
                // client side pageview handlers
            } else {
                // server side pageview handlers
        created: function (payload, callback) {
            // created handlers

var DemoApp = React.createClass({
    componentWillMount: function () {
        // you could fire page view in componentWillMount, which means you could get a pv event on both server and client side, 
        // then you could choose how to handle it.
        ReactI13n.getInstance().execute('pageview', {});

var I13nDempApp = setupI13n(DemoApp, options, [gaPlugin]);
// then you could use I13nDemoApp to render you app

I13nMixin and createI13nNode

Everything is done by the i13n mixin, which means if we want to create an component to be an I13nNode, we will have to add the I13nMixin into the component. You can pass the options with props to config what you want to do with this I13nNode.

  • i13nModel - the i13nModel data object or a dynamic function returns the data object
  • isLeafNode - define if it's a leaf node or not, we will fire created event for every node when it's created, isLeafNode will help us to know if we want to do the action. e.g, we might only want to send out beacons to record links.
  • bindClickEvent - define if want to bind a click handler or not
  • follow - define if click handler need to redirect users to destination after sending beacon or not. You could set follow=false and the handler would send out beacon but will not redirect users.
  • you can pass all the props you need, we will pass them to the component
var I13nMixin = require('react-i13n').I13nMixin;
var Foo = React.createClass({
    mixins: [I13nMixin]

// in template
<Foo i13nModel={i13nModel}>
    // will create a i13n node for Foo

We also provide createI13nNode as a higher order function for you to wrap your component as an I13nNode

  • component - react component or string of native tag
  • options - options as the default props
var createI13nNode = require('react-i13n').createI13nNode;
var Foo = React.createClass({
var I13nFoo = createI13nNode(Foo, {
    isLeafNode: false,
    bindClickEvent: false,
    follow: false
// in template
<I13nFoo i13nModel={i13nModel}>
    // will create a i13n node for Foo

If you want to track the links, you will need to create anchor with createI13nNode and enable the click tracking.

var createI13nNode = require('react-i13n').createI13nNode;
var I13nAnchor = createI13nNode('a', {
    isLeafNode: true,
    bindClickEvent: true,
    follow: true

<I13nAnchor i13nModel={i13nModel}>

We are also able to pass i13nModel as a function to get dynamical generated data.

var createI13nNode = require('react-i13n').createI13nNode;
var I13nAnchor = createI13nNode('a', {
    isLeafNode: true,
    bindClickEvent: true,
    follow: true

function getI13nModel: function () {
    return {
        // you can dynamical generate i13nModel data here based on the use case

<I13nAnchor i13nModel={getI13nModel}>

Other than links, you can create a middle tag with i13n functionalities.

  • Please not that since we integrate the feature of parent-based context, with dev env, react will generate warning like
Warning: owner-based and parent-based contexts differ (values: [object Object] vs [object Object]) for key (parentI13nNode) while mounting I13nAnchor (see: http://fb.me/react-context-by-parent)
  • This feature can only used after react-0.13, if you are using older version, you will have to create a component by your own and add the I13nMixin.
var createI13nNode = require('react-i13n').createI13nNode;
var I13nDiv = createI13nNode('div', {
    isLeafNode: false,
    bindClickEvent: false,
    follow: false

<I13nDiv i13nModel={parentI13nModel}>
    // the i13n node inside will inherit the model data of its parent

For common usage, we define some components with specific setting, we can require them without generating them every time. These setting can be overwritten by props.

Component isLeafNode bindClickEvent follow
I13nAnchor true true true
I13nButton true true true
I13nDiv false false false

Fire events

react-i13n automatically fire click and updated events, you can also fire other events via reactI13n.execute, just make sure you have proper event handler implemented.

  • eventName - the event name
  • payload - the payload object you want to pass into the event handler
  • callback - the callback function after event is executed
var ReactI13n = require('react-i13n').ReactI13n;
ReactI13n.getInstance().execute('pageview', {payload}, function callback () {



grunt unit


  • debug locally:
    • grunt functional-debug
    • check functional testing result on
  • run functional test on saucelabs:


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