
Retrieve live images from Camera from Phonegap application in Base64

Primary LanguageJava

CameraPlus For Cordova

Supported platform:

  • iOS
  • Android

CameraPlus has the following features

  • Retrieve live images from Camera in the background
  • Retrieve the images in HTML/JS in Base64 so that they can be displayed, saved in localstorage and sent using HTTP POST
  • Set the target format (iOS only)
  • Automatically stops capturing if no request made for 5 seconds, wake up camera when image requested

How to use CameraPlus?

Add the plugin to your cordova project:

cordova plugin add https://github.com/moonware/cordova-cameraplus.git

Javascript APIs

startCamera( options, success_callback, error_callback );

stopCamera( success_callback, error_callback );

getVideoFormats( success_callback, error_callback );

setVideoFormat( success_callback, error_callback );

getJpegImage( success_callback, error_callback );

getJpegImage will return a JPEG image encoded in base 64.

You can then set it to an image from HTML/JS part of the application:

Standard JS:

camImage.src = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + data;



<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64, {{data}}">

Test Application

A ready to try Ionic application is available here: https://github.com/Moonware/cordova-cameraplus-testapp

Known issues

On iOS there are known memory leaks issues related to UIWebView, the application will most likely crash after a few minutes of intensive usage (pulling images at 15-20fps). The Android version doesn't seem to suffer from similar problems.

If you think that you can help on resolving this problem, feel free to participate in one of these topic:

