Lowgular Nx Material Starter Kit App only Component Model Service

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This is a starter kit for Nx with Lowgular and Simple Architecture

It is app-only approach, meaning we create everything in application project type

The architecture consists of 3 main parts:


A Readonly Interface representing data fetched from backend and needed in the Component


Angular Injectable responsible for fetching data from backend. You can inject HttpClient in it It returns Model


Angular Component responsible for presenting data on a specific route. You can inject Service in it It uses Model to present the data



Go to marketplace and search for angular, then find our logo :)

In case of trouble you can search for "lowgular" or access this Marketplace Link


Coming soon...

How to use it?

It is super simple, just "Keep Calm and right click!"

Access available actions: Open a file, right click in the editor and select: Actions...

Create New: Right click in the project tree, selected New > Create New...

Create Library: Right click in the project tree, selected New > Create Library


There are endless capabilities and soon we will document most of them

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