
HacashBot - Your Telegram Bot for managing Hacash Currency.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



I am creating an open source project for Hacash in Telegram, it will be known as HacashBot

Progress: Set up a bot using BotFather >> HacashBot Bot is in beta: Issues:

  • 1. Consensus to >248 and <240 / changed to 230 - 255
  • 2. Rounding Up numbers still in debate since lower values can't be represented in higher formats. /not necessary
  • 3. Non-digits get rejected. /not necessary
  • 4. Fixed a bug on #Balance and #BalanceAndFormatter when inputing values with '/' since it can trigger new page leading to 'not found reply' instead of 'Address has no Balance' /fixed

On-going features:

  • 1. HAC formatter
  • 2. Web Scraping on http://explorer.hacashpool.com/address/foo or http://block.hacash.org/address/ to check balance by using BeautifulSoup
  • 3. Adding icons to menu-reply. //it can be implemented however there are instances where (for example, MAC Os) has a hard time accessing the menu button. Since implementing icons on the menu reply also requires menu-reply == string-command-identifier which not smart to implement.
  • 4. Web Scraping dynamic data using Puppeteer by using Node.js framework. Or Pyppeteer port of Puppeteer /done
  • 5. Diamond name finder - Log the address on [http://explorer.hacashpool.com/diamond/.....] on a file by knowing name of diamondnum>blk.dat (from hacash_mainnet_data). Then set name of diamond to the address, thus creating a database.

Note: The program can also be made by utilizing the API.

Hacash Wallet

To avoid replication of ideas repositories I decided to merge Hacash Wallet to the Hacash - Telegram Bot Repo. The contents from Hacash Wallet and Hacash Telegram Bot are both independent of each other.