In Quick Recipes, you can add new recipes, edit and delete them. It uses Appwrite Database to store your data.
Client: HTML, Boostrap, React
Server: Node + Express, Appwrite (Database)
Install docker in your pc and install appwrite in this folder. Then open terminal and run
cd server
. Then open another terminal and runcd client
. -
Then add your project id, secret key(You can create new api key from dashboard), and API endpoint in quick-recipes/server/server.js.
Then create collection in your appwrite with these setting ( Set both permissions to * ) and copy your collection id to quick-recipes/server/controllers/recipeControllers.js. See Settings
Now in client terminal. Run the code:
npm start
Again in server terminal. Run the code:
npm start
Now open your browser and go to https://localhost:3000.
For support, email