
Reinforcement learning problems solved using Open AI Gym

Primary LanguagePython

OpenAI Gym Solutions


  • Python v2.7.13
  • virtualenv
  • pip

How to Run

  1. Run virtualenv venv
  2. Run source venv/bin/activate
  3. Run pip install -r requirements.txt


Solving Markov Decision Processes

In this experiment, convergence and performance of value iteration and policy iteration are compared for 3 different MDPs, including:

  1. FrozenLake-v0
  2. FrozenLake8x8-v0
  3. Taxi-v2

Reproduce the results by running python analysis/mdp.py

Q-learning Agents

A Q-learner reinforcement learning algorithm was applied to the "Toy Text" environments. You can reproduce the results by running:

  • python frozen_lake/q_learning.py
  • python taxi/q_learning.py